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Setting Limits and Recognizing Toxic Bosses: Advice for Young People in Summer Jobs

AWhen summer begins for young people, seasonal jobs are a first experience, but also a way to accumulate a small nest egg. On social networks, however, it is time for prevention: how to set limits to “toxic leaders”, succeed in not being “overexploited”, Generation Z is listening to the advice given by their elders.

“I advise young people not to give their all. Especially for a seasonal job, do the work required, no more”, confides Zak, 30-year-old tiktokeur and known to his almost 300,000 subscribers for his outspokenness, especially in the field. work. In his videos, Zak advises young people who follow him to be firm with their superiors, but also to stop if the message is not passed. “My advice is mainly intended for people on permanent contracts, not necessarily for seasonal jobs, unless the experience is going very badly. The purpose of a seasonal job is to earn money in the short term.” In a survey published in 2019 (Diplomeo) of 1,700 young people between the ages of 16 and 23, only 47% of them devoted part of their summer to a seasonal job, compared to 56% the previous year.

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Work yes, but with limits

Sally is 18 years old and the fact of working during the summer has been subject to major tensions with her parents since May. “They know that I have good grades and that I worked all year for my baccalaureate, but I had been clear from the start of the school year: I wanted to chill [me détendre, NDLR] this summer!” insists the graduate. For Sally, this last year before graduate studies was to conclude, after a year of revisions, with two months of idleness with her group of friends. Her parents do not seem to agree: ” His father and I always held student jobs during our studies, not necessarily the two months, but I remember having had my first experiences in sales that way. His big brother, too, was doing black as a waiter in July to take advantage in August with his tips, “recalls his mother Maryse (the first name has been changed at her request). “I struggled all the time. year with teachers who were very strict, I don’t want to take my head with bosses who will yell at me because I’m too slow to get rid of them!”, concludes Sally with a big smile.

Don’t kill yourself!

Orna, followed on TikTok by more than half a million young users, dedicated an entire video young people starting summer jobs this year to warn them. “For all those who are going to work this summer, do temporary jobs, listen carefully to this video, it is for you”, begins the tiktoker and real estate agent in the Lyon region. “First, refuse all the overtime that you will be offered when you are working”, lists the young woman, a specialist in the imitation of “toxic bosses”, explaining that overtime or remuneration is not always effective and therefore lost. “Don’t do more than what needs to be done. Don’t forget that there are people who have been working for 10, 15 years in the same company where you are going to work, they are going to ask you to do things that you are not supposed to do, you are going to be a bit of a service dog . You are not dogs, it’s a summer job”, insists the tiktokeuse, before recalling her watchword: “Do not kill yourself at the task.”

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Youness, a waiter-restaurateur in the Paris region, believes that the upsurge in jobs in the catering industry, especially during the summer holidays, allows him to be choosy. “I had the choice between four restaurants and chains just between my neighborhood and the one next door, I submitted CVs and everyone wanted me! I chose the one closest to my home and it was the one who let me do a little black and didn’t split the tips,” says the 19-year-old student, delighted with his performance. “I knew what I wanted, especially since I had a choice, I wanted a cool boss and not much older than me so that we could understand each other, it’s me who selects and chooses in the end”, rejoices Youness .

It’s over for us to be afraid of leaders.

These limits, Zak explains them by comparing his generation to those of his elders. “We don’t care what the older generations think, it’s because of them that we are in this situation today, by dint of not complaining and letting things go, so their opinion is useless and matters very little to me”, launches the tiktokeur. Teacher, researcher and specialist in generation Z management, Élodie Gentina explains in this regard that “young people of generation Z can indeed seem more demanding than their elders in the sense that, today, they choose their sector of activity and the company they want to work in. They have a relationship with their employer which is similar to that of a couple: young people today find it difficult to make a long-term commitment, they prefer to live as a “roommate” rather than living together. We find this conception of life as a “roommate” in the world of work with the Zs: they do not plan for more than 2-3 years, they want to live an adventure in their jobs”, explains the author of Generation Z. From Z consumers to Z employees (Dunod 2018).

Spot “toxic” bosses

Aged 19, Angèle decided to make her professional debut this summer in ready-to-wear sales. Bordelaise, the student watches regularly Tik Toks who imitate “toxic chefs” in action, with the intention of warning young users. “In these videos that make me laugh too much, I know I’m learning to spot sneaky managers [sournois, NDLR]. Those who speak to you politely but who ask you to do tons, to do more than them, who send you voice messages on WhatsApp even when you’re not working, in short, passive-aggressive. And that, there are plenty in the sale.” These warning videos, Angèle sends them to her friends, and even to her mother who also recognizes profiles of managers that she may have suffered when she worked in the loan “It makes my mother laugh too much, she tells me that I’m right to be demanding and not to let myself be, I’m here to make money and go on a trip in September with my boyfriend , not to make it my career, it’s over for us to be afraid of the bosses”, does not budge the student.

“Young people do not question the very existence of hierarchy, but rather the form it takes in business. They prefer a competent authority to a de facto authority. In their minds, it is no longer enough to be a “leader”: authority is gained through experimentation. For them, power is in the hands of those who know how to share and transform knowledge, rather than those who possess knowledge”, decrypts Élodie Gentina. She also believes that an inspiring manager must have the skills to know -be such as trust, empathetic listening or respect.

2023-07-10 00:17:40
#Toxic #bosses #abuse #summer #jobs #worry #young #people

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