Home » today » News » “Servant of the people” has decided on the candidates for the post of head of the Rada apparatus. One of them was called “watching” for Razumkov

“Servant of the people” has decided on the candidates for the post of head of the Rada apparatus. One of them was called “watching” for Razumkov

Speaker of the faction Yulia Paliychuk reported в Telegram.

“Three potential candidates were considered, including Vyacheslav Shtuchny, who had previously held this position, as well as current deputies from the Servant of the People faction Alexander Kopylenko and Pavel Frolov. without a permanent leader for more than a year, “she wrote.

The piece resigned in the summer of 2020 after a year in this position. He wrote a letter of resignation in connection with the appointment to another public office.

Before that, at the end of June of the same year, “Ukrainska Pravda”, citing sources, reported that the ambitions of the speaker of parliament Dmitry Razumkov “haunt” the President’s Office. Therefore, in order to control his actions, Bankova allegedly appointed an “overseer” in the Verkhovna Rada, it became the Piece. Razumkov was going to dismiss the head of the apparatus, but the president’s entourage stood up for him, the newspaper wrote.

Now the acting head of the Rada’s staff is Mikhail Teplyuk.

According to “Ukrainian Truth”They want to return the piece to their former place of work. This is due to the conflict with Razumkov, which escalated, in particular, because of the bill on de-oligarchization, the newspaper writes.


The Verkhovna Rada adopted the draft law on de-oligarchization in the first reading at an extraordinary meeting July 1. 275 MPs voted for with the minimum required 226 votes. The Servant of the People party announced at least seven additional bills on the regulation of the activities of oligarchs in Ukraine, among them – on antimonopoly legislation, amendments to the law on political parties.

It was turned on on the Rada agenda this week, but Razumkov stated that the draft law was not ready for consideration in the Rada.

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