A significant step towards inclusion and equitable access to tourism for all people. That sums up what happened this morning when Sernatur and the Grow Up Foundation launched the guide Neurodivergence: improving tourist experiences. This is a pioneering technical assistance manual that will provide tools to tourism service providers, in order to promote inclusive tourism and promote awareness about neurodiversity in the tourism industry.
In a world that is moving towards the full inclusion of all people, this guide facilitates the participation of neurodivergent people in all stages of the journey, promoting enriching and barrier-free tourist experiences, which, ultimately, generates satisfactory tourist experiences for everybody.
The director of Sernatur, Cristóbal Benítez, valued the work, highlighting that “this guide is a support tool for the tourism industry to improve spaces, to receive neurodivergent people and generate better tourist experiences for the entire population.”
The authority also explained that the guide “tells us what neurodivergence is so that we understand what we are talking about and also provides practical recommendations to decide what measures to take, both for accommodation services and for restaurants, tour guides and operators. The idea is to receive all our visitors in a better way, especially those people who have special needs or a condition that needs particular support.”
For Carmen Gallinato, executive director of the Grow Up Foundation, “tourism companies have to take care of different people. And in response to this need, this guide will allow us to understand neurodivergent people and also provide practical tools regarding the strategies and modifications that need to be made.”
The regional management of Sernatur O’Higgins was also present on the occasion, as the Almacruz group (hotel, vineyard and museum), located in the area, implemented the recommendations of this guide in its facilities. In this regard, director Carlos Escobar indicated that the manual “allows us to develop an increasingly inclusive, increasingly universal tourism, where everyone has a place, where everyone has the possibility of enjoying themselves, achieving their well-being and also improving their quality.” of life. In this case, not only neurodivergent people benefit, but also their families, friends and acquaintances.”
Meanwhile, Francesca Cardoen, manager of Almacruz, pointed out that “we wanted to participate in this wonderful initiative, which started in Sernatur, from where we were invited because we believe that it is very important to implement in the services, especially in the tourist area so that the Families feel like they have a safe place. We managed to make many people and many families happy with what we are doing and the idea is that we all join this initiative.”
With the guide Neurodivergence: improving tourist experiencesthose who work in tourism will be able to treat neurodivergent people, their families and caregivers in the best possible way and, in this way, provide a quality tourist experience.
Neurodivergencia: improving tourist experiences.

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