Home » today » News » Seriously wounded were evacuated from “Azovstal” – a new message from the commander of Azov – UNIAN

Seriously wounded were evacuated from “Azovstal” – a new message from the commander of Azov – UNIAN

The military noted three most important conditions, Prokopenko noted.

Commander “Azov”Lieutenant Colonel Denis Prokopenko announced the evacuation of seriously wounded soldiers from Azovstal and named the conditions in Ukraine under which it takes place.

This is stated in the new appeal of Prokopenko.

The highest military leadership gave the order to save the lives of the garrison servicemen and stop the defense of the city. Despite heavy fighting, all-round defense and lack of supplies, we constantly talked about the three most important conditions for us: civilians, wounded and dead, Prokopenko noted.

“We managed to evacuate civilians, the seriously wounded received the necessary assistance – they were evacuated with subsequent exchange and delivery to the territory controlled by Ukraine. As for the dead heroes, the process continues. And I hope that in the near future, relatives and all of Ukraine will be able to bury their heroes with honors,” he said. about the course of the evacuation of the military.

May 17 Ukraine launched an operation to rescue Azovstal fighters. So far, the Ministry of Defense has not disclosed the details of the evacuation of the wounded Ukrainian military from the territory of the plant in Mariupol.

Russian media wrote that the fighters were sent for treatment in ORDLO.

At the same time, the State Duma threatens to include Azov among the terrorist organizations banned in Russia in order to bring the defenders of Mariupol to criminal liability in the future.

In a video message, Deputy Commander of the Azov Regiment Svyatoslav Palamar noted that Ukrainian defenders were still at Azovstal, “the operation is ongoing,” the details of which Palamar cannot disclose.

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