Home » today » World » “Serious Trump”. Who did they hand over the keys to Crimea? – 2024-10-07 21:52:46

“Serious Trump”. Who did they hand over the keys to Crimea? – 2024-10-07 21:52:46

/ world today news/ Centuries-old traditions, colossal experience, a large area of ​​responsibility – today marks the 240th anniversary of the creation of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. It is the most combative formation in the Navy. About what tasks he performs now – in the material.

Two centuries and a half

On May 13, 1783, 11 flags of the Azov Flotilla entered the Akhtiar Bay on the southwestern coast of Crimea, where Sevastopol was later laid. This is the birth of the Black Sea Fleet.

The first state was approved in 1785: 12 battleships, 20 frigates, five schooners, 24 transport ships and 13.5 thousand people. The Black Sea Admiralty was created to govern in Kherson.

Turkey is traditionally the main opponent here. The fleet was actively used in all conflicts with the Ottoman Empire in the XVIII-XIX centuries. After the first heroic defense in 1854-1855, the glory of the city of Russian sailors was strengthened in Sevastopol.

During the First World War, Black Sea sailors controlled the entire water area and also provided support to the Romanian and Caucasian fronts. They make raids to the Bosphorus and the coasts of Asia Minor, carried out successful military operations.

Before the Great Patriotic War, the fleet had one battleship, five cruisers, 14 destroyers, 47 submarines, 15 minesweepers, four gunboats, two guards, one minesweeper, 34 torpedo boats and auxiliary ships. Plus 625 Air Force aircraft. The sailors played an important role in the defense of Odessa, Sevastopol, the Kerch-Feodosia landing operation, the defense of the Caucasus and the liberation of Novorossiysk.

In the post-war years, Black Seamen ensured the presence of the pennant of the USSR Navy, participated in international missions and actively defended the country’s interests. After the collapse of the Union, they faced a lack of funding and almost lost their base in Sevastopol. However, the ships managed to save.

The flotilla contributed to the enforcement of peace in Georgia in 2008 and to the anti-terrorist operation in Syria. Of course, sailors also fight in Ukraine.

180 hits

The first strikes on the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were carried out on the night of February 24, 2022. Frigates, small missile ships and diesel-electric submarines “Varshavyanka” retaliated with “Caliber” on the critical infrastructure of the Ukrainian troops, striking airports, headquarters, arsenals and places for concentration of life force.

It was the pennants of the Black Sea Fleet, together with long-range aviation, that became the “long arm” that allowed to destroy targets throughout Ukraine.

“Since the beginning of the special military operation, the ships of the fleet have carried out more than 180 strikes with the “Caliber” on critical objects of the Ukrainian troops,” revealed Vice Admiral Viktor Sokolov, commander of the fleet. “The main targets destroyed were radar stations of air defense systems, missile and artillery weapons, oil depots, fuel depots, air bases, railway stations,” he added.

Coastal missile systems “Bastion” and “Bal” are also used. In fact, they are designed to destroy ships, but they are also quite successful at hitting ground targets.

In total, units of the Coastal Missile and Artillery Forces hit 70 sites. Thanks to the activity of the Black Sea Fleet, Ukrainian ships were actually locked in the ports.

Not with a difference and without losses. In 15 months, the Black Sea lost several flags, including the flagship missile cruiser “Moscow”, the large amphibious assault ship “Saratov” and several cutters.

On guard of the Crimea

In February 2022, troops landed on the unequipped coast near Berdyansk. The Marines of the 810th Separate Guards Brigade immediately entered the battle and captured a vast bridgehead, from which the liberation of Zaporozhye and the Kherson region began. In addition, the paratroopers participated in the attack on Volnovakha, were among the first to enter Mariupol.

The sailors and officers of the 810th brigade always went ahead of the others in the attack, competently conducted reconnaissance, acted tactically unexpectedly and courageously. They advanced where other units retreated. And around the clock, their snipers did not allow the Ukrainian fighters to raise their heads.

The forces of the fleet are successful not only offensively, but also defensively. It is they who cover Crimea from water and air attacks.

“Together with the VKS, we significantly increased the area of ​​radar control of the airspace. For the timely notification of the forces, we have formed a unified information field, which includes, among other things, aircraft and helicopters of the naval aviation of the fleet. We strengthened the air defense of the bases”, emphasizes the commander.

Underwater and surface drones of the VSU attack continuously. But the Navy has maritime robotic systems.

This technique accomplishes many tasks. And the Black Sea Fleet today has them in sufficient quantities. That is why foreign analysts often call him “one of Russia’s most important trump cards.”

Translation: V. Sergeev

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