Home » today » Health » Serious health risks, lack of protocols, lack of training… The stay for people with disabilities is cut short

Serious health risks, lack of protocols, lack of training… The stay for people with disabilities is cut short

A holiday for adults with disabilities, organised in the Dordogne by the Jura company “Escapades adapté”, was banned by the Périgueux prefecture. Behaviour leading to risks for people was observed.

The holidays end earlier than expected. The company “Adapted getaways”based in Villette-lès-Dole and which presents itself as specializing in organizing vacations for adults with disabilities, will not have completed its stay in Dordogne. After a report and a visit by the services of the Périgueux prefecture and the ARS (Regional Health Agency), theState representatives decided to end the stay.

Holidaymakers arrive on Saturday, July 27 in the Villamblard private holiday center (Dordogne). But only one day after the start of the stay, the person responsible for the organization makes a report, as specified the prefectural decree. She then denounces “serious risks to the health, integrity and physical and moral well-being of disabled adults”.

The State services therefore went to the site the very next day and noted several shortcomings. In the order, they specified the various problems: “an absence of protocols for falls, poisoning, accidents, reorientation of vacationers, repatriation or evacuation” but also the absence of a “heatwave” protocol which is particularly dangerous in the current period.

The location chosen by “Escapades adapté” does not seem to be suitable for people with disabilities either, the State services note: “a lack of night lighting, suitable handrails for stairs, interior handrails in corridors, grab bars in toilets, etc.“Finally, the supervisory staff chosen by the company could not prove possession “a suitable first aid kit, which ensures rapid treatment in the event of a medical emergency”as well as “proof of first aid qualifications“. So many shortcomings which according to the prefecture “weaken the demonstration of the team’s adequacy to the risks associated with the disabilities of vacationers”.

Immediately after the inspection by the State services, a new director of stay was appointed and the team was strengthened, specifies France Blue Perigord. However, the prefecture considered these actions insufficient to ensure the safety of people with disabilities. They therefore decided to end the stay. “to prevent serious events from occurring“According to them, the organizers were in “the failure to ensure the safety and moral well-being of holidaymakers”.

This case echoes the tragedy of Wintzenheim, in August 2023, eleven disabled adults died in the fire of a gîte, the latter was not up to standard. The prefecture therefore told France Bleu Périgord that the number of checks has increased since this tragedy.

Read also : INTERVIEW. Fire in Wintzenheim: for the Idoine association, “the holidays ended in tragedy”

The holidaymakers returned this Monday, August 5, a little over a week after their arrival. The company “Escapades adapté” did not wish to respond to our requests.

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