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Serious health risks from dentures of older people

Dental prostheses for older people are not always free from serious health risks. Indeed, it is precisely these to which particular attention must be paid to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Prosthetics a necessity of the years

It is difficult to reach a certain age with all or most of your teeth in place. There are several factors that cause caries to arise and consequently the teeth weaken, suffer and fall out. After a certain age, 50% of teeth typically go away, and the remaining 50% are subject to neglect of hygiene.

The fact that you are no longer interested in showing off a beautiful smile creates the conditions for the weakening of the gums and teeth. Many teeth are lost due to gum inflammation due to bacteria, periodontitis, also aided by insufficient oral hygiene.

Italians, according to ISTAT, they neglect a lot of oral hygiene, especially the elderly. The neglect is also due to the shaking of the hands which prevents them from making good movements.

The prostheses thus become a necessity to continue to take the foods necessary for sustenance. Otherwise it would lead to an insufficient diet, also due to the difficulty of chewing.

Serious health risks from dentures of older people

In Italy 70% of the elderly do not take care of his mouth. This attitude can lead to quite serious consequences.

Things get worse with prosthetics, which need some attention. Unfortunately, there are many who leave them in their mouths or who do not clean properly. Many seniors even sleep with dentures.

It happens that small quantities of food remain attached to it, with the danger lurking just during sleep. In fact, it is these bits that are carriers of strong bacterial loads. While sleeping, the elderly person can, without realizing it, swallow these small pieces of food which, going down the cable, give rise to bacterial pneumonia from ingestion.

Only through proper oral hygiene of the prostheses it is possible to prevent this dangerous reaction which in severe cases can have harmful consequences.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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