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Serious Car Accident on E18 Near Tønsberg: Man in his 20s Seriously Injured

A car has driven off the E18 at the Gullitunellen near Tønsberg on Saturday evening. The South-East police district writes that the car has rolled around “a couple of times”.

– Serious accident

The driver was alone in the car, and was taken to Ullevål Hospital in Oslo. The Swedish Road Administration’s accident team and the police’s crime technicians are on their way to the scene, the police write.

– It’s a serious accident, and he probably drove quite fast. The first emergency services that arrived at the scene have spoken to the driver, who said that he was alone in the car, operations manager Jan Kristian Jonhsrud tells Nettavisen.

There is extensive damage to the car. The accident team and crime scene technicians have been called in to try to find out how fast the car was going, and what may have caused the accident.

– The person concerned is described as seriously injured, says operations manager Jan Kristian Johnsrud VG.

– Before we arrived, the driver was out of the car and was taken care of by the ambulance personnel. We secured the scene of the accident. It’s not smooth on E18 where I’m standing now, says fire chief Rune Loraas, Vestfold Interkommunale Brannvesen writes on X.

Man in his 20s

Operations manager Jan Kristian Jonhsrud tells NTB that one of the runs in the northbound direction will be closed until technicians have finished on site and the car has been recovered.

There should be little traffic at the site overnight to Sunday.

– The driver of the car, a man in his 20s, is now receiving treatment at Ullevål Hospital. He is awake and is going to various examinations, writes Sør-Öst police district at 01:02.

2023-12-30 22:37:07

#Person #Ullevål #hospital #accident #E18

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