Home » Entertainment » Serious Accident in Sibiu: Woman Killed in Collision Between BMW Car and Tursib Bus

Serious Accident in Sibiu: Woman Killed in Collision Between BMW Car and Tursib Bus

A serious accident took place on Thursday evening in Sibiu, around 10 pm, in the roundabout at the Municipal Cemetery on Calea Dumbrăvii. A BMW car and a Tursib bus were involved in the accident. Fire crews, police and SMURD are on scene to manage the situation.

UPDATE 00:00 A 30-year-old woman died in the accident. How it happened and details below:

2 hours ago September 1, 2023

Simultaneously, ISU crews are responding to a strong fire in Turnisor.

Details of the accident

According to the first information, the accident happened around 10 pm, when a BMW car collided with a Tursib bus and another bus. The exact causes of the accident are still under investigation, but it appears excessive speed could be a deciding factor.

UPDATE 23.00

ISU Sibiu intervenes urgently on Calea Dumbrăvii to manage the serious road accident between two buses and a car.

Two SMURD crews, including one with a doctor, an extrication vehicle, a fire truck and a first responder unit were sent to the scene of the accident. An SAJ crew was also mobilized to help manage the situation.

The accident resulted in three victims, two of whom were trapped in the vehicles.

This news will be updated as new information becomes available.

2023-08-31 19:57:22
#UPDATE #VIDEO #accident #roundabout #Municipal #Cemetery #Calea #Dumbrăvii #BMW #car #buses #involved #death

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