In a serious accident at work on the Aurubis site in Hamburg-Veddel, three workers were rescued from a production hall, lifeless. Nitrogen escaped.
Hamburg – Serious accident at work in the night from Wednesday to Thursday, May 11, 2023, on the premises of the copper giant Aurubis in Hamburg-Veddel. At around 02:25 a.m., a major leak of nitrogen apparently occurred in a production hall.
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Accident at Aurubis in Hamburg: Nitrogen leaked – three employees to the hospital undergoing resuscitation measures
How dangerous is nitrogen?
Compressed nitrogen can be dangerous if handled improperly:
Asphyxiation hazard: In high concentrations, nitrogen can displace the oxygen content of the air and create a suffocation hazard. If nitrogen leaks or is released from a container, it can quickly decrease the oxygen level in an enclosed space, causing respiratory distress and unconsciousness.
Pressure Explosions: Improper storage or handling of compressed nitrogen in pressure vessels can result in pressure explosions if the pressure in the vessel rises above the allowable limit. These explosions can cause significant property damage and personal injury.
The first to arrive on site rescued three lifeless employees from the production hall. Other forces immediately initiated resuscitation attempts.

With a large contingent of emergency services from the Hamburg fire brigade, the three people affected, some still under resuscitation measures, were driven to the hospitals in St. Georg, AK Harburg and the Marien Hospital.
It was not yet known during the night how the compressed nitrogen could have escaped. The main nitrogen line was shut off as a precautionary measure as a result of the incident. According to initial information, one of the three people is said to have life-threatening injuries. However, before arriving at the hospital, the worker regained consciousness.
2023-05-11 04:49:25
#Accident #work #Kupferriesen #Hamburg #employees #suffocated #nitrogen