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Series of arrests in connection with an illicit gold market (JIRS de Nancy)

Significant gold traffic of up to tens of millions of euros between France and Germany has been dismantled. Collectors recovered gold from thieves of the jewelry they used to make ingots.

Crime knows no borders. Fourteen people were indicted by the investigating magistrate of the heads of “concealment in an organized gang of thefts, aggravated money laundering and participation in a criminal association with a view to preparing an offense punishable by the penalty of 10 years’ imprisonment“within the framework of a vast illicit trade in gold which could reach several tens of millions of euros, we learned from the Jirs parquet floor in a press release. At the end, eleven people were placed in pre-trial detention andthree under judicial supervision.

A series of arrests in the departments of Côte d’Or, Marne, Jura, Bouches du Rhône

Under the aegis of the investigating judge of the Specialized Inter-regional Jurisdiction (JIRS) of Nancy, on May 19, May 25, June 9, 2020 and June 22, 2020 the Dijon Research Section jointly with the Central Office for the Fight against Itinerant Delinquency (OCLDI), the Interregional Group of Burgundy (GIR) and the local brigades proceeded , with 20 arrests making it possible to dismantle a vast parallel network of gold trade in the departments of Côte d’Or, Marne, Jura, Bouches du Rhône.

This judicial information initially opened with a Dijon investigating judge and resumed after divestiture by ajudgeof Nancy’s JIRS highlighted “a vast illicit gold market organized in a pyramidal fashion. Gold collectors recovered jewelry from thieves that they founded to constitute ingots. Collectors were then responsible for recovering these ingots for sale to a gold buyout company located in Germany“says the Jirs.

The searches allowed “seizures of 29 kg of gold with a market value of 1,487,032 euros and 101 kg of silver powder with a market value of € 60,120“, indicates the jurisdiction. Were also seized twelve vehicles with a total value of 340,000 € as well as thirty luxury watches and 121,169 euros in cash.

Investigations are continuing, in particular into the exploitation of the accounting documents seized during searches carried out in Germany and Belgium.

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