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Series “infidels”: JAMRA and its co-complainants appeal against the judgment of the CNRA


According to a press release signed by Serigne Bassirou Mbacké (CDVM) and Mame Mactar Gueye (JAMRA), arrived at Ferloo, “the Collective of complainants against the abuses observed in certain audiovisual productions, after welcoming the National Audiovisual Regulatory Council (CNRA) confirmed, by receiving his complaint dated August 6, the veracity of his incriminations against the series called “Infidels”, as to its obscene, indecent, even perverse content, seriously damaging the image of Women, threatening the mental and moral health of children, cultural and religious values, and social peace in our dear country ”. This is why this Collective “lodged an appeal with the” Audiovisual Tribunal “on Tuesday August 18th”.

And to continue: “We welcome certain injunctions made by the CNRA to the television broadcast medium of this series, which continues to arouse strong indignation in public opinion. Which is not only outraged by the trivialization of fornication and the apology of adultery, but also by sequences offering more visibility to the famous rainbow banner, the ultimate rallying symbol for followers of unnatural unions, banned by all religions revealed and condemned by article 319 of the Senegalese Penal Code ”.

Not convinced by the signage « Forbidden to under 16s » imposed by the CNRA for viewing the film, Mame Mactar Guéye et cie explain: “Regarding the signage” Forbidden to under 16s “, Here is the universal definition of it by those who created it, in this case the regulatory bodies of the Western media:” This age restriction is required when a program risks disturbing the benchmarks of the under 16s, in particular erotic programs or programs featuring particularly impressive scenes of violence. »(Source: French Audiovisual Council). However, one of the main missions of the CNRA is to ensure that no program, passing through the means of public dissemination, can carry moral or physical harm to minors. The French audiovisual law, however one of the most lax and the most liberticidal in the world, prohibits and punishes any content that conflicts with their system of values, such as productions of a child pornographic, zoophilic nature, etc. It is for this same reason that the Senegalese people, in their overwhelming majority, very attached to their beliefs, all persuasions included, seem far from accepting the production and distribution of erotic works, classified ” Forbidden to under 16s » on its soil ”.

And to argue: “Therefore, the” Collective of complainants against audiovisual abuses »Requires that any television work, such as INFIDELES, falling within this classification, is purely and simply banned from television broadcasting in Senegal. The Collective urges the CNRA to ensure strict compliance with the proper obtaining of the operating visa by producers, before any public release of their products. Especially since, according to the director of cinematography, Mr. Hugues Diaz, «most of the incriminated series do not have a filming authorization » (L’Obs from 08/19/2020). And to specify that at the end of the law number 2002-18 of April 15, 2002, relating to the organization of the activities of production, exploitation, cinematographic and audio-visual promotion, any public exploitation of the products resulting therefrom is subject to obtaining an operating visa “.

Continuing the argument, they will say: “Issued by the Ministry in charge of Cinematography, after opinion of the film control commission, this visa makes it possible to certify that the product does not endanger public security and morality. And the director of cinematography to alert that ” failure to request a filming is an offense punishable by withdrawal or even a fine ».

The ” Collective of complainants against audiovisual abuses “” Informs the opinion that it appealed to the “Audiovisual Tribunal”, on Tuesday August 18. And urges all compatriots, concerned about the preservation of the noble values ​​that have been generously bequeathed to us by our ancestors, to remain mobilized, listening to the follow-up that the collective intends to give to this unspeakable aggression of our values, embodied at an unprecedented level by this deplorable mimicry of Western subcultures, to the credit of this perverse series, that is INFIDELES ”.

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