Second part of our retrospective dedicated to the various events that made the news in 2022.
For this latest review of the judicial year that spans from July to December, we factored in the audience generated by the publication of these cases in our ranking columns.
Undoubtedly, it is the controversy launched by a pupil of the Antoine-Bourdelle high school in Montauban that is largely the protagonist. After refusing to dress except in an abaya (long Muslim dress), the high school student who filmed a tense exchange with one of her teachers asking her to dress differently filmed and posted this altercation on TiKToK.
Threatened by internet users, the teacher has since benefited from police protection in front of her home. This affair had rebounded at the beginning of the All Saints holidays when the same teenager, feeling discriminated against, had appealed for all the girls in the establishment to be dressed in an abaya. From there, while the Ministry of National Education announced at the same time a multiplication of attacks on secularism, this story took on a national dimension.
Wearing the abaya at Bourdelle High School: a teacher under police protection
After the start of the holidays in Toussaint, Aminat B., 17, a student at the Antoine-Bourdelle high school in Montauban has no idea of the media storm she will unleash by posting a video on TikTok in which she unknowingly records an argument with one of her teachers over regarding her dress code. The video goes viral and the teacher’s house is placed under police protection due to threats made on social media.
Coming from a Chechen refugee family, the teenager claims loud and clear the use of the abaya within the confines of her high school. A dress code which is not prohibited by law but which has become a real phenomenon since the beginning of the school year in the largest academy school in Toulouse. About twenty girls wear it to the point that the management, with the support of the rector and the cabinet of the minister of national education, has set up a graduated procedure to stop this phenomenon which is taking hold.
Refusing to take off her abaya and feeling humiliated by the situation, Aminat pushes the cursor a little further by calling a demonstration in the school using posters inviting the other girls in the establishment to wear this long dress. . The call is a flop but takes on a national scale. Several complaints have been presented by both sides, the prosecutor has opened an investigation.
Soapbox race in Moissac: the spectator ends up in hospital
This story of an incident at a soapbox race held in Moissac last August has caused quite a stir. When Bernard Capdeville took his place, surrounded by his wife and grandchildren, to participate in this local event organized by the Viarose festival committee, this 64-year-old beekeeper from Castelsarrasin was far from suspecting that he would end his day with serious injuries to the Hospital. In fact, one of the contestants who lost control hit him head-on.
The accident occurred during a race organized by the Viarose party committee.
“She had her granddaughter on her lap and barely had time to push her away. Her only consolation is having saved his life. But her leg was completely crushed. He has a double fracture of the tibial fibula with a 40% risk of infection ”, assures Malvina, his daughter.
The family, who stressed the lack of security during the demonstration, filed a complaint against the organizers.
She broke down on her bike in full view of her three children

The crash site on the RD 813 between Moissac and Boudou.
At the end of July between Boudou and Moissac, a terrible road accident marked the local news. A 42-year-old mother who was cycling with her three children and her husband on holiday in Tarn-et-Garonne was mowed down by a motorist traveling on the D 813.
Her vital prognosis committed, the forty was helicoptered by SAMU 31 to the emergency room of the Purpan hospital, Toulouse. In shock, her 6, 10 and 14-year-old sons were also treated.
Flashed at 222 km/h, try to escape the Alpine gendarmes
A motorist traveling at 222km/h on the A62 at the wheel of a 600bhp Audi RS6 thought he could outrun the police last May. As soon as he was equipped with an Alpine A 110, the gendarmes of Tarn-et-Garonne arrested him at the Montbartier toll booth.

The driver was arrested at the Montbartier toll booth.
However, this 26-year-old Toulousain did not break the year’s record, set at 225 km/h by an individual driving on the same stretch of motorway without a license and on cocaine.
The death by drowning of a young Afghan in the Tarn of Moissac
Last October, this drama moved our readers. A person who was walking on the banks of the Tarn, near the Moulin de Moissac, saw a lifeless body in the river. That of a fifteen-year-old Afghan boy. A few days before this macabre discovery, the family of this pupil trained at the François-Mitterrand high school had reported it to the gendarmes, the latter worried about his disappearance.

The SDIS 82 water rescue team recovered the teenager’s body from the waters of the Tarn in Moissac.
Fearing that the teenager had made an attempt on his own life, the gendarmes had already started investigations to probe the lateral channel of the Garonne. Without results.
The autopsy performed at the forensic institute of Rangueil on the body of the young Afghan, at the request of the Montauban public prosecutor’s office, did not allow for the certification of death by drowning. Faced with this uncertainty, prosecutor Bruno Sauvage has called for new analyzes to establish the exact causes of death.
He misses being scalped by a board flying off a truck

The board went through the windshield.
In July, a Paris region holidaymaker was in fear for his life while taking the D115 at Saint-Etienne-de-Tulmont when a board flew from the dumpster of a truck through the passenger compartment of his vehicle. “She pulverized the windshield and went over my head,” testifies Alain Plumas. The large piece of wood is stopped by the headrest. A miracle within inches, the driver escaped with a head injury and two massive scalp wounds that required 18 stitches to be installed.
Causes a fire in the vegetation wanting to burn the corpse of a chicken
In early September, a mother wanted to set fire to a domestic hen that had just died, which ended up causing a fire that devastated 4 hectares of vegetation in Valeilles.

The fire caused by neglect, in the midst of a heat wave, had covered 4 hectares of forest in Valeilles.
This is at least the excuse used by the interrogation after the firefighters of Tarn-et-Garonne, Lot and neighboring Lot-et-Garonne had to mobilize a total of fifty firefighters from eight emergency centers to contain the fire.
Stabbed in Moissac
Larded with three stab wounds, two of which in the chest, a man went to the emergency room of the Moissac hospital early in the morning on Tuesday 27 September. Having lost a lot of blood, the victim was transferred to the Moissac emergency room.

The events took place in rue du Pont in Moissac.
Twenty-four hours later, the suspect, a roommate of the victim, was arrested by the gendarmes of the Castelsarrasin research brigade while he was quietly having a coffee on the terrace of the Café le Compostelle, place des Récollets in Moissac.
Golfech: stabs his lover thirteen times
Suspected of having inflicted thirteen stab wounds on 12 September in Golfech, a 70-year-old man, this 27-year-old former garbage man, who lives with his mother in Pommevic, was indicted for attempted murder and placed in pre-trial detention. Fortunately the victim survived, not without sustaining serious injuries between the jaw and collarbone. He had been awarded fifteen days of incapacity for work (ITT).

During the transfer of the alleged perpetrator to the court of Montauban.
The profile of the suspect Sébastien V. is nothing short of worrying. Pommevicain had, in fact, already alarmed the court after his arrest following violence with a weapon committed in 2019.
The events had deeply affected the victim, a 24-year-old pregnant woman who was walking on the towpath of the canal between Valence-d’Agen and Pommevic. A man at the wheel of a vehicle travels along the cycle path closed to traffic and heads towards it. Concerned, she turns back. However, he doesn’t have time to escape them. The individual rolls down his car window and, without a word, draws a pistol and shoots almost point-blank in his direction. Luckily, the bullet from the ball only dermabraded his arm.
Terrorism: former Chechen schoolboy sentenced to 3 years
Fascinated by Daesh and Jihad, a 20-year-old Montalbanais of Chechen origin was sentenced to 3 years of suspended prison before the Paris Juvenile Court (TPE) last November.
Aged 16 at the time of the events, this former student of the Dominique-Ingres college in Montauban had been arrested during a crackdown which mobilized the anti-racist police in September 2018. Two other accomplices in Béziers and Strasbourg had also been arrested in connection with this. terrorism case.

The young man was fascinated by Daesh and Jihad.
This case had caused a stir both in view of the age of the defendant and the nature of the exchanges of this group. Through a Telegram account called “Dâhou al Qattal”, the three defendants worry the intelligence services so much that they open an investigation entrusted to the DGSI to the anti-terrorism section of the Paris prosecutor’s office.
It was when the young Montalbanais declared to a DGSI agent infiltrated on their exchange platform that he was going to make a video of allegiance to the Islamic State (EI) that his arrest by the Raid intervened. A few days earlier, the teenager had revived the idea of fomenting an attack on an asylum in France.