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Serial resignations from the municipal council of Dolus-d’Oléron

Five elected members of the majority and all elected opposition members have resigned from the municipal council of Dolus-d’Oléron. The crisis is not recent, but it is bursting into the open.

Thibault Brechkoff, the mayor of Dolus-D’Oléron is very much alone. Since Tuesday evening, five elected members of his majority and those of the opposition have submitted their resignation. A new election will have to be called.

On February 7, already, the first deputy, Daniel Pattedois had submitted his resignation, explaining as reported by our colleagues from South West “This resignation is the consequence of an inability to work with you, Thibault (Brechkov, editor’s note). This can only be explained by your inability to delegate, trust and hear the differences of opinion.” The mayor then criticized the first deputy for having taken too many initiatives personal and had declared himself forced to regain control

Thibaut Brechkof, the mayor, had been elected with a difference of only 90 votes over the outgoing mayor Grégory Gendre, elected environmentalist, who had notably led the sling against the establishment of a McDonald’s in the town. For several months, the crisis had been brewing within the municipal council. It focused on the personality of the mayor deemed autocratic, incapable of delegating. Arguments that Thibault Brechkoff brushes aside “It’s shabby, it’s deeply shabby”

I think I am the victim of an organized and premeditated sabotage operation. Maybe some people see themselves as caliph instead of the caliph if I dare say. (…) These are not projects, it is only the will to take my place.

Thibault Brechkoff, mayor of Dolus-d’Oléron

Former mayor Grégory Gendre shares the opinion of the other resigning municipal councilors. The problem is the mayor and his way of exercising power.

There is a fundamental problem called Thibault Brechkoff, we have known that since the start of the campaign, since the elections. And after 20 months, from bad to worse, it’s a disaster!

Grégory Gendre former mayor of Dolus-d’Oléron

The former mayor says that at this stage he is not a candidate, for him the question is to calm the situation and ensure that the new elections go well.

As for the inhabitants, they watch the implosion of the city council with a critical eye. “I’m so disappointed” confides this resident to us. “I didn’t think it was going to come to this, I thought there was a team that held up and it didn’t.”

New elections will therefore take place in the coming weeks, it is not certain that they will take place in a peaceful atmosphere.

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