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Serial Accidents of Chemical Tank Truck-Bus on Tangerang-Merak Toll Road, Traffic Jams


Accident successive incidents occurred on the Tangerang-Merak Toll Road, precisely at KM 74. The accident involved a passenger bus, a chemical tanker truck and a private vehicle.

Accident occurred at approximately 9:50 pm. There was a liquid leak from the chemical tank.

According to detikcom monitoring at 23.00 WIB at Km 74, toll officials are still evacuating vehicles. The chemical tanker truck is still emitting smoke. Some of the victims were seen being evacuated to the hospital by ambulance.

Meanwhile, the Head of the PJR Tangerang-Merak Toll Road, Korlantas Polri, AKP Wiratno, said that a chemical tanker carrying a chemical substance from the direction of Merak was suspected of having an accident. The truck then crossed into the toll lane towards Merak and hit a bus and private vehicle.

“The truck we are handling crosses the route to the Jakarta-Merak route. It involves tanker vehicles. The bus then goes to the ditch,” Wiratno told reporters at the location, Sunday (17/10/2021).

Meanwhile, officials have not been able to inform how many people died as a result of the accident. The victim was immediately evacuated to the Sari Asih Hospital, Serang City.

Officers also closed the toll road to Merak. Until 00.00 WIB, vehicles are queuing especially from Tangerang to Merak.

“Until now, we are still cursing traffic towards Merak because we are still evacuating. Because this is a chemical tank. The queue is about 3 kilometers. We divert vehicles towards Merak out in East Serang,” he said.

(bri / land)

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