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Sergio Mattarella and Giuseppe Conte, meeting at the Quirinale: the strategy to stop Matteo Renzi

And finally he went up to the Quirinale. Not to resign, but to understand together with Sergio Mattarella how to brake, or stop, Matteo Renzi and his pincer maneuver that threatens to collapse the governicchio Pd-M5s. The meeting took place at the Colle on the morning of Saturday 15 February, the focus of attention on the latest developments in majority, with Italia Viva who voted with the opposition on the subject of justice and who deserted the CdM on Thursday evening. For his part, the premier said he was convinced that, in the Senate, he can have the votes for don’t bring down the government, without even having recourse to the so-called “responsible”. Yes, there would be between five and seven senators ready to betray Matteo Renzi, ready to leave group IV to return with the Democratic Party.

Read also: Sergio Mattarella opens to a change in majority

The timing, however, would not be very tight. The fact is that the Democratic Party are convinced that Renzi does not want the crisis on the prescription, the attack would be instrumental: their only purpose, they say, would be the attrition of Conte and of Nicola Zingaretti. In short, new clashes, tears and clutches will be on the agenda. Strengthened by this belief, reports the Corriere della SeraDuring the meeting, Conte told Mattarella that he was determined to move forward, or rather in the courtroom to check whether Italia Viva is really compact around its leader, that Renzi who could soon be dumped by those few who followed him to Italia Viva. . “So you can’t go on, you have to stop this dripping“: this is the juice of Conte’s speech to Mattarella, according to what reported by Repubblica.

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