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Sergio Marchionne, illness and how he died / “Sarcoma in the shoulder”, the operation and …

It’s been a few years since death of Sergio Marchionne, the famous manager who for a long time represented the Italian and then international automotive industry. The man passed away in the summer of 2018, at the age of sixty-six, due to one disease with which he had been battling for some time. The news of his death shocked public opinion, as well as creating a great commotion around the world. The funeral was held privately, while two public ceremonies took place in Italy and America where he was later buried in the family tomb in Canada.

The last public outing of Sergio Marchionne took place a few weeks before his death. He was in fact hospitalized for a shoulder operation at the Zurich hospital, where he died on 25 July. At that specific moment, however, there was a certain awareness of what his critical health conditions were, so much so that the boards of FCA, CNH and Ferrari were urgently summoned in Turin to determine Marchionne’s successors at the top. of companies.

Sergio Marchionne, the true causes of death

The death of the manager and the media interest in his disappearance somehow forced the University Hospital of Zurich to promptly release a note, the day after his death, explaining that “Sergio Marchionne for over a year he had been going to our hospital on a regular basis to treat a serious illness “. After the publication of the note, an FCA representative made it known that not even the company was aware of the serious conditions of the former CEO.

An aspect apparently in contrast with the version of the family, which in a further note explained that “FCA had been informed that Sergio Marchionne would no longer be able to return to work, without adding other details ”.

The disease: “He had a sarcoma”

It had been the Universitätsspital of Zurich, the day after the death of Sergio Marchionne, on July 26, 2018, to confirm that the man “Was a patient of the University Hospital of Zurich. For more than a year he had undergone various treatments for a serious illness “. The hospital, as the newspaper reported The Republic, he had also specified that during the hospital stay “All the possibilities offered by leading-edge medicine were used, but Mr. Marchionne unfortunately passed away”. However, placing the emphasis on professional secrecy, in the press release of the structure there was no mention of the illness and the causes of Marchionne’s death. The statement was issued in order to curb the spread of “Further speculations”.

From the Zurich hospital, as he reported The newspaper, a series of complications were hinted at “Unexpected and sudden” which occurred following a shoulder surgery to which Marchionne underwent and which caused cardiac arrest. A second cardiac arrest would later lead to his death. According to an article by Paolo Madron on Lettera43, the manager was diagnosed with a shoulder sarcoma invasive and would have been made aware of doubts about the effectiveness of the operation considered to be high-risk. It seems that even John Elkann was unaware of everything. During the intervention, Medron wrote again, Marchionne would have been “Suffering from cerebral embolism falling into a coma”, to the point of leading to an irrecoverable situation.


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