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Seraphina Auerbach │ Mercator Institute for Language Promotion and German as a Second Language

Auerbach, Seraphina (2020/21): FAQs Blended-Learning Fortbildungen in BiSS Transfer. Cologne: Mercator Institute for Language Promotion and German as a Second Language. Available under: https://www.biss-sprachbildung.de/angebote-fuer-die-praxis/blended-learning/

Auerbach, Seraphina, et al. (iV) On the importance of language level surveys in specialist teaching. Blended learning unit from the course “Language in everyday life and in the subject”, module “Diagnostics”, as part of the federal-state initiative “Education through language and writing (BiSS)”. Cologne: Mercator Institute for Language Promotion and German as a Second Language.

Auerbach, Seraphina, Müller, Beatrix & Prediger, Susanne (previous year). Prepare and develop vocabulary.Blended learning unit from the course “Language in everyday life and in the subject”, module “Vocabulary in subject teaching”, as part of the federal-state initiative “Education through language and writing (BiSS)”. Cologne: Mercator Institute for Language Promotion and German as a Second Language.

Bader, Seraphina & Giesau, Marlis (2020): Vocabulary Basics 2. Blended learning unit from the course “Language in everyday life and in the subject”, module “Vocabulary in subject teaching”, as part of the federal-state initiative “Education through language and writing (BiSS)”. Cologne: Mercator Institute for Language Promotion and German as a Second Language.

Bader, Seraphina & Giesau, Marlis (2020): Vocabulary Basics 1. Blended learning unit from the course “Language in everyday life and in the subject”, module “Vocabulary in subject teaching”, as part of the federal-state initiative “Education through language and writing (BiSS)”. Cologne: Mercator Institute for Language Promotion and German as a Second Language.

Bader, Seraphina, Giesau Marlis & Lengyel, Drorit et al. (2019): Cooperation in daycare centers with other partners. Blended learning unit from the “General Basics of Language Education” course, “Cooperation and Networking” module, as part of the federal-state initiative “Education through language and writing (BiSS)”. Cologne: Mercator Institute for Language Promotion and German as a Second Language.

Bader, Seraphina, Giesau Marlis & Lengyel, Drorit et al. (2019): Cooperation in schools with other partners. Blended learning unit from the “General Basics of Language Education” course, “Cooperation and Networking” module, as part of the federal-state initiative “Education through language and writing (BiSS)”. Cologne: Mercator Institute for Language Promotion and German as a Second Language.

Bader, Seraphina, Giesau Marlis, Mörs, Michaela & Lengyel, Drorit et al. (2018): Language training in practice (elementary level). Supporting collaboration of the blended learning unit from the course “General Basics of Language Education”, module “Language Education in Day Care and School”, as part of the federal-state initiative “Education through language and writing (BiSS)”. Cologne: Mercator Institute for Language Promotion and German as a Second Language.

Bader, Seraphina, Giesau Marlis, Mörs, Michaela & Lengyel, Drorit et al. (2018): Language training in practice (school sector). Supporting collaboration of the blended learning unit from the course “General Basics of Language Education”, module “Language Education in Day Care and School”, as part of the federal-state initiative “Education through language and writing (BiSS)”. Cologne: Mercator Institute for Language Promotion and German as a Second Language.

Bader, Seraphina, Beyel, Fabian & Debschütz, Carina et al. (2018): Model utterances in the learning process in a language-sensitive manner. Supporting work in the blended learning unit from the course “Language in everyday life and in the subject”, module “Language sensitivity in everyday school life”, as part of the federal-state initiative “Education through language and writing (BiSS)”. Cologne: Mercator Institute for Language Promotion and German as a Second Language.

Bader, Seraphina, Polish Drorit & Mörs, Michaela et al. (2018): Networks for continuous language education – quality features (Elementary / Primary & Secondary Education). Supporting participation in the blended learning unit from the course “General Basics of Language Education”, module “Cooperation and Networking”, as part of the federal-state initiative “Education through language and writing (BiSS)”. Cologne: Mercator Institute for Language Promotion and German as a Second Language.

Bader, Seraphina, Mörs, Michaela & Lengyel, Drorit et al. (2017/18): Curricula (primary / secondary).Supporting participation in the blended learning unit from the course “General Basics of Language Education”, module “Language Education in Day Care and School”, as part of the federal-state initiative “Education through language and writing (BiSS)”. Cologne: Mercator Institute for Language Promotion and German as a Second Language.

Bader, Seraphina & Pfeiffer, Klaus-Peter (2017). Inclusion through art – The art of inclusion. In Newsletter Disability Policy, No. 70, pp. 2-3. Published as an insert in the magazine BioSkop No. 80.

Bader, Seraphina (2015). Review of: Doose, Stefan (Ed.): I want my dream. Personal future planning. New perspectives and methods of person-centered planning with people with and without disabilities [Kombination: Kartenset und Ringbuch]. Neu-Ulm: AG SPAK books. In: socialnet reviews. Available under: www.socialnet.de/rezensionen/17861.php

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