Home » World » Septuagenarian found dead in San Antonio de las Minas and woman detained for attempted murder in Pórticos del Mar

Septuagenarian found dead in San Antonio de las Minas and woman detained for attempted murder in Pórticos del Mar

César Córdova/EL VIGÍA
ccordova@elvigia.net Ensenada, B. C.

In separate violent events that occurred on Saturday, a septuagenarian was found dead and injured by a sharp object at his home in San Antonio de las Minas, while his vehicle was not in the garage.
The second act of vandalism occurred in Pórticos del Mar, where a woman was detained for her alleged participation in the attempted murder of a man, who was left lying on the area plot with a wound on his back.

In the first case, the body was found by the authorities at around 1:17 p.m. outside a house located between Berilio and Granate streets of said municipal delegation that is located in Valle de Guadalupe.
On the ground, covered by various platforms and boards, the authorities found the lifeless body that corresponded to a man around 70 years of age, showed a state of decomposition, was swollen, with flies, and had injuries caused by a hard sharp object.

The remains were found by a person who went to visit the deceased today because he had not seen him in the area for several days, and detected the bad smell, immediately located the body under the wood, then reported what happened to the 911 line and the Police arrived. Municipal.
This individual mentioned to the authorities that the deceased’s vehicle was not in the house, which is a dark gray Toyota Tacoma King Cap pickup, 2018 model and license plates from California, United States.

The State Attorney General’s Office, through a card, reported that the death of the septuagenarian was classified as a homicide, the body showed stab wounds and the investigation folder is made up of elements of the Intentional Homicide Unit.

The second violent event occurred at approximately 4:25 p.m., within the plot located between Lázaro Cárdenas avenue and Horticultores street in the Pórticos del Mar subdivision.
A man of about 35 years old was lying face down on the ground, he was wearing dark pants, a yellow shirt with a blood stain; and he had a wound in the lower part of his back caused, presumably, by a sharp object.
Municipal Police agents arrived at the site in response to the report from the 911 line that alerted the injured person and the flight of the alleged person responsible for the attack along Enlace 2000 boulevard street heading south.

Other elements of the corporation searched for the suspect, then intercepted the 34-year-old Ana “N” because she matched the characteristics provided and because she was holding a knife in her hand, allegedly used in the attack.
The wounded man received first aid from the Red Cross paramedics and denounced the woman as the person who had attacked him moments before with the sharp device.
Paramedics took the injured person to the hospital for specialized medical attention.
Finally, Ana “N” was detained and referred to the Public Ministry Agency of the State Attorney General’s Office for the crime of attempted homicide.

2023-05-01 06:08:13
#Body #septuagenarian #San #Antonio

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