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Separation between Alice Campello and Álvaro Morata: rumors and truths

For about two weeks now, the separation between Alice Campello et Alvaro Morata is at the center of the gossip. The couple so loved by fans announced on August 12 the end of their relationship via their social networks. A bolt from the blue, because until a few days before, they had published several photos together where they seemed very united and close with their four children.

Morata-Campello breaks silence on social media but then deletes everything: “The worst existential crisis of my life”

Corona’s scoop on Alice Campello and Morata

Both the Milan footballer and the influencer stressed that the end of the marriage was not due to any type of betrayal but only to many misunderstandings. In recent hours, however, Fabrizio Corona has launched an indiscretion that would radically change the situation. On his website Dillinger news, the former king of the paparazzi declared that Alice Campello allegedly cheated on Morata with Andrea Iannonethe current partner of singer Elodie.

“Sensational news: Andrea Iannone would seem to be the cause of the separation between Alice Campello and the Milan footballer Álvaro Morata” wrote Dillinger on social networks, also spreading the audio from an anonymous source: “The brutal breakup after a football colleague revealed to Morata that his wife had cheated on him with Iannone”. The famous biker is currently in a relationship with the Roman singer Elodie. “Too bad that the famous biker Iannone is theoretically (and was also at the time) with the singer Elodie. We would therefore be facing a double betrayal… This could nevertheless be the only plausible truth, given that all summer they declared their love and suddenly separated”.

The bombshell thrown by Fabrizio Corona did not leave Alice Campello indifferent, who responded on her social networks, commenting directly on the post of the Dillinger portal: “But I have never seen him in my life. I would like to see the photos,” she joked about the rumors started by Corona. Then she added: “Last time I will answer all the things you make up. There are so many nice things to do in the summer rather than thinking about the reasons for the separation of two people you don’t even know, come on…”.

Alice Campello’s response

Alice opened up, recounting the difficult moments experienced by her and the Spanish striker: “At first I wanted to control the situation because I was suffering from all these lies, but then I understood that everyone will always think what they want and everyone will always have all the fantasies they want, I can’t control it. I know who I am and who Alvaro is, he knows that I have never disrespected him and I would put my body on fire and he has never disrespected me either. In fact, there are no photos, no videos, no messages, nothing, because there never was anything even if everyone is looking for something that does not exist.”

Alice Campello then continued: “The reasons are ours and will remain ours.. The holidays, the photos, the love is true but that doesn’t take away from the fact that, being very young and having lived through a lot of things quickly (marriage, 4 pregnancies, 4 children, 11 moves, my depressions after each birth, his depressions at certain times in football and many other things in life) can lead to confrontations that in the long run are not positive… that’s all. I could even put a photo now saying that I love it because it’s the truth, but that doesn’t take away from the fact that there is another part that obviously is not seen and that has made us get to this point. There is nothing else.”

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