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Separated parents bonus: last day to apply

Final rush for the new bonus for separated, divorced and/or non-cohabiting parents: the window for submitting the request to INPS closes today, 2 April. A deadline already extended compared to the original deadline, which fell on March 31st: a public holiday.

The bonus born in the Covid emergency

This is a bonus that dates back to the period of the pandemic emergency: introduced with the Sostegni decree and then implemented with the Prime Ministerial Decree of August 2022, the 10 million Fund had arrived to “ensure the continuity of disbursement of the maintenance allowance” .

The contribution was in fact foreseen as “paid exclusively to the separated, divorced or non-cohabiting parent, who has not received the maintenance allowance for himself and for his minor or adult children with a serious handicap, or has received it partially in the period between 8 March 2020 and 31 March 2022the date on which the state of emergency ended.”

Separated parents bonus, you have until April 2nd to apply

How the bonus works

The measure is aimed at guaranteeing a contribution to parents in need, i.e with an income not exceeding 8,174 euros per yearwho during the Covid-19 epidemiological emergency period were living with minors or adults with serious disabilities and who, in the same period, have not received maintenance due to non-compliance of the other parent (ex-spouse or ex-cohabitant).

The bonus is due in the event that the other parent, as a result of the epidemiological emergency, has ceased, reduced or suspended his/her working activity starting from 8 March 2020 for a minimum duration of 90 days or has suffered a reduction in income of at least 30%.% compared to the income received in 2019.

The bonus for separated, divorced and/or non-cohabiting parents is paid in a single payment in an amount equal to the unpaid amount of the maintenance allowance and up to a maximum of 800 euros per month. The contribution is due for a maximum of 12 months taking into account the availability of the fund which amounts to 10 million euros. The benefit will be paid by INPS following verification of the legal requirements by the Department for Family Policies.

#Separated #parents #bonus #day #apply
– 2024-04-02 17:22:26

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