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Separate municipalities must go to the government to agree on who should have the inhabitants

The new municipal boundary to be drawn up was not part of the referendum in March. But over 70 percent of the inhabitants of Haram municipality voted to split up from Ålesund municipality. They got their wish, and the result was that Haram was separated. But where should the border go?

Loses half of the inhabitants

With the Labor Party’s support, Ålesund municipality has sent an application for a boundary adjustment of Haram municipality, which means that the new municipality loses about half of the inhabitants, writes Klassekampen.

Sp is locally opposed to this solution, and group leader Lisa Alvestad in Ålesund Sp says she fears that the conflict could create a rift between Sp and the Labor Party in government if Sp does not get through for the whole Haram to be separated from Ålesund.

– I reckon that the Labor Party nationally may be able to see the slightly bigger picture and follow the promises in the Hurdal platform, and not follow the faction in the Labor Party in Ålesund who wants to take half of Haram, she tells the newspaper.

Outraged SP members visit the Minister of Local Government

This week, Minister of Local Government Bjørn Arild Gram (Sp) will be visited by his outraged party colleagues from Haram. The municipality was forcibly merged with Ålesund in 2017. He says he does not fear internal strife in the government.

– There is no reason to speculate. We have a Hurdal platform that is at the bottom, so we will follow both the law and the Hurdal platform here and have decent processes around it, he says to the same newspaper.

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