Home » today » Entertainment » Seol Min-seok gets off the air due to controversy over thesis plagiarism… “Acknowledged for negligence in research”

Seol Min-seok gets off the air due to controversy over thesis plagiarism… “Acknowledged for negligence in research”

‘Fairies’ and’Naked World History’ seem to be abolished… Broadcaster direct hit
Thesis supervisor “I haven’t heard of the story”

Korean history star lecturer Seol Min-seok, 50, announced that he would eventually apologize and get out of all programs appearing when suspicion of plagiarism of his master’s thesis came up following controversy over history distortion.

Mr. Seol said on his social media (SNS) on the 29th, “I admit that I neglected my research in writing the thesis and neglected citations and footnotes in the process of referencing other papers.” “It is my mistake without excuses. As an educator and a person who studies history, we deeply apologize for your uneasy attitude.”

“I am sorry for the pressure on all the people who trusted and listened to my lectures and broadcasts, scholars and educators who are working hard in academia. He said, “I feel terrible because I did not meet the undeserved expectations and trust you sent me.” He said, “I will learn more and study again with a humble heart.”

Earlier, the entertainment media Dispatch reported that the content of Seol Lee’s master’s thesis at Yonsei University’s Graduate School of Education,’A Study on Ideology Controversy in the Description of Korean Modern and Contemporary History Textbooks’ (2010) is more than 50% the same as the thesis written by Sogang University Graduate School of Education in 2008.

Seol’s master’s thesis, led by Professor Do-Hyung Kim, contains the content that the selection process and contents must be transparently disclosed in order to prevent unfair social pressure or interest in selecting textbooks for modern and contemporary history by school. This paper can be found on the website of KCI (Korea Research Foundation).

When Seol got off the program, the broadcaster was hit directly.

In particular, tvN’Seol Min-seok’s Naked World History’ was broadcasted up to 3 episodes, and the second episode of Cleopatra became the center of controversy as Kwak Min-soo, head of the Korean Institute of Egyptology, gave rise to controversy. have.

MBC’s’Guys who cross the line’ are also difficult. In particular, this program has’originality’ since 2018, and like’Seol Min-seok’s Naked World History’, it is impossible without Seol.

MBC and tvN are likely to cause a major disruption in the organization according to Seol’s position, but they have not yet released an official position.

On the other hand, with the recent plagiarism of singer Hong Jin-young’s thesis, Chosun University has entered the administrative procedure to cancel his master’s and doctorate degrees, and in the case of Seol, if plagiarism is confirmed as true, there is a possibility that follow-up measures will be taken.

Kim Do-hyung, the chairman of the Northeast Asian History Foundation, who directed Mr. Seol’s master’s thesis, asked about the controversy during a call with Yonhap News on the same day, “I have not heard any stories. I have nothing to say.”

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