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Sentenced to death for selling series in North Korea

Last September, the video-on-demand platform Netflix broadcast the first episode of the series. « Squid Game » made by south korean Hwang Dong-hyuk. Very quickly the series was a huge success with the subscribers of the platform. As of early October, the series had totaled 111 million views in 17 days after launch. After the success of the South Korean series « Squid Game », North Korea gave its opinion. Indeed, a site close to the North Korean power broadcast an article that described Squid Game as a reflection of the country’s capitalist culture.

Recently in North Korea, several people were sentenced to terms of up to the death penalty. According to Radio Free Asia, a North Korean site which gave the information, several citizens of the country of Kim Jong Un whose high school students have been severely condemned by the North Korean courts. Media originating from countries such as South Korea and the United States is banned in North Korea, and distribution, viewing or preservation is strictly prohibited. In this case, it is thanks to a tip that the high school students were arrested according to our sources.

North Korea severely punishes people who view and distribute its southern neighbor’s hit series « Squid Game » which aired on Netflix’s video-on-demand platform. North Korean justice sentenced to death by firing squad an individual who smuggled the series in the country while a high school student who had a copy of the series on a USB stick was sentenced to life imprisonment . On the other hand, 6 high school students were sentenced to forced labor for 5 years according to the same source.

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