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Sensational reports of Nord Stream destruction. Ukraine comments – World

– Ukraine has nothing to do with these explosions – this is how Mykhailo Podolyak, advisor to President Volodymyr Zelensky, denied Ukraine’s involvement in the attacks on the Nord Stream gas pipelines.

– Only someone with significant technical and financial resources can do such a thing. And who had all that at the time of the attacks on Nord Stream? Only Russia – Zelensky’s advisor said in a commentary for Reuters.

– Ukraine has nothing to do with these explosions – he stressed, adding that Ukraine did not gain any strategic or tactical advantage in connection with the attacks on the Russian gas pipeline.

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Die Zeit, ARD and Süddeutsche Zeitung reported that the German Attorney General’s Office had obtained the first arrest warrant in the case of attacks on the Nord Stream gas pipelines.

Polish prosecutors said Poland had received a European arrest warrant issued by Berlin in connection with the attack, but the suspect, Ukrainian Volodymyr Z., had already left Poland. His whereabouts are currently unknown.

The Wall Street Journal reported that top Ukrainian officials were involved in the attack on Nord Stream.

Destroyed gas pipelines Nord Stream 1 and 2

On September 26, 2022, three of the four lines of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines were destroyed at a depth of approximately 80 meters at the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

A large part of Russia’s natural gas for Germany has for years been supplied directly via Nord Stream 1. Many Eastern European and Western countries have repeatedly strongly criticized the project and warned of the geopolitical consequences of bypassing Eastern Europe in the transit of gas.

Moscow suspends deliveries ahead of Nord Stream 1 destruction

During the Russian aggression against Ukraine, Moscow suspended supplies even before Nord Stream 1 was destroyed. Nord Stream 2, in turn, was ultimately not launched due to the Russian invasion and the ensuing political disputes.

Russia has blamed the U.S., Britain and Ukraine for the explosions, which have largely cut off Russian gas from the lucrative European market. The countries have denied any involvement.

Germany, Denmark and Sweden launched investigations into the incident. During the investigation, the Swedes found traces of explosives on several items collected from the site of the explosion, confirming that the explosions were deliberate.

Who lobbied for this gas pipeline?

As Czech investigative journalist and analyst Jakub Janda notes, “if Germany has really woken up after years of strategic appeasement towards Russia” that led Europe to disaster, it should investigate who and how lobbied for Nord Stream 2.

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