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“Sensation” in Bavaria: Spectacular find on the construction site – discovery is unique in all of southern Germany

There is no such thing in the whole of southern Germany: When renovating the historic Asam building in Freising, Bavaria, workers made a sensation.

  • In Freising, Bavaria, workers have made a real sensation.
  • The discovery came during the renovation of the historic Asam building.
  • The find is unique in southern Germany.

Freising – Such old walls as that Asam building has some surprises in store. For example one historic pump system, which had already been suspected at the beginning of the general renovation after the first excavations in 2017 and after looking at old plans under the south wing, but the now came to light. The find is “unique in all of southern Germany“, Says Eva Willberg from the Office for Building Research, one historical investigation to the mammoth project “Asam”.

Freising (Bavaria): Sensational find – workers make incredible discoveries

At a press meeting on Thursday afternoon, project supervisor Ulrich Setzwein from the building authority explained how and why one should use the Pump system bumped: under the whole Asamkomplex drainage is currently being laid for drainage, which means that soil replacement is necessary everywhere. Such earthwork will be done on one historic place like the old town of Freising and the former Lyceum, of course, accompanied archeologically. And rightly so. Because where the kitchen of gastronomy will be located in the future, you have this “very interesting pump” found. This is already drawn on a plan by the then city architect Thomas Heigl from 1803.

In Bavarian Freising: Sensational find during renovation work

The Special on it: Three lines go from this pump. One of them led up to the Domberg prince episcopal brewery, one led direction Marienplatz, um den fürstbischöflichen Hofgarten an der chamber Gasse to irrigate, one supplied that Asam building even with water. Important: with fresh water. Because was next to the pump a fountain was built to promote the pure and clear groundwater. The one flowing past in the south Moosach only served to drive the large water wheel, which in turn started the pumps. And you also know that there was an oven next to the pump that prevented it from freezing in the oven Pump vault came.

Sensational find in Bavaria: Discovery is unique in southern Germany

Willberg spoke of a “Sensation“, Because such plants from this time are otherwise only known from northern Germany and mining there, where they are used for Pumping out the water were used. Such pumps were previously unknown in southern Germany – and also for a brewery. And there are only two Restorers in Germanywho take on such pumps. The water must be extracted from the ancient wood very slowly so that it does not crumble.

Sensational find in Freising, Bavaria: Historical pump discovered

Out of the ordinary is also what is obtained from the pump – namely, for example, the piston areas. And another surprise opened up: When the pump system was dismantled, it was found that it was sitting on a plate that is even older and on which a predecessor pump was probably installed. What is under this plate is not yet known. Maybe that’s waiting next surprise.

Old walls hold many surprises. The current renovation progress and construction status do not (yet) allow public tours.

© Lehmann

You could get a lot more on Thursday in Asamkomplex but don’t look at it. According to Setzwein, the construction site on the ground floor and on the upper floors is currently in a condition and construction progress that does not permit a tour or even public tours. Such a thing may not be possible until the end of September / beginning of October. In general and The whole project is running according to plan.

Mayor Tobias Eschenbacher said it was good that it was wise not to commit to a completion date. Because with such large-scale projects and general renovations of historic walls, one is never immune to surprises. And not all are so positive and sensational like this pump system.

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