Home » today » News » Sensation! Bashar Rahal talks about his family – 2024-10-12 10:13:00

Sensation! Bashar Rahal talks about his family – 2024-10-12 10:13:00

Actor Bashar Rahal, who hosts the returning show Big Brother, is hiding a lot of family problems. His father, the Lebanese Munzer, was a famous gynecologist with his clinic in Dubai. However, he was a passionate gambler. After selling his clinic in the Arab emirate, he went to a casino in London and in three days squandered 560,000 dollars or one million leva, “Gallery” writes.

“I wonder how he didn’t die then. He squandered sums that, against the background of life in Bulgaria at that time, when an apartment cost 15,000. leva, they sound quite exotic. My mother used to say he made $300,000 a night at a casino in Greece. They explained to him that they could not pay him in cash, so they offered him three villas on the seashore. When he refused, at five in the morning they opened the bank with the chief of police so that the casino could withdraw the money. In the next two weeks, he spent everything,” Bashar recalls.

Because of this, his parents had periods in which they lived on 5 BGN a day, and in others they traveled to Paris and enjoyed luxury. All this really tormented his mother Mariana. “It’s good that she was a little bit more of a frugal and focused person who somehow managed to put this family together and keep it together,” the actor reveals. Because of the bitter experience from his father, Bashar plays a moderate mosquito. He first stepped into a casino at the age of 15 together with his father. “I have a measure and I am one of those who, if they lose BGN 500, do not suffer, but if they win BGN 200 on top, they leave. I’ve had losses, of course, but the most I’ve ever lost is two or three thousand dollars at roulette. However, I have won $10,000 from a tournament. I also like to play poker. I have participated in competitions and even met Dennis Rodman at a tournament in America, with whom we exchanged a few lines about the game. I’m one to play for fun. My father was a gambler in the true sense of the word. He was a risk taker and was unable to change until the end. He left this world only 53 years old from a heart attack,” Rahal said.

Then the actor has to grow up very quickly to support his mother and sister Carla. He graduates from NATFIZ without knowing what he will do. Then relatives from Dubai call him and invite him to go sell gold. He spent only three months there and returned home. He knew that this profession was not for him, and he did not like the Arab emirate, even though he was born there. “I thought about what to do with the acting profession. It was enough for me to stay on staff at the Youth Theater. I played in a children’s play with the strange name “Chimichimijamid-yomi”. It was about a frog in a barrel and at one performance they threw rice at me. It was humiliating. Then I decided to do something drastic. On the set of a movie, actor Gary Daniele told me. “You graduated from an English high school, why don’t you try America?”.

So one summer I took a suitcase, my ex-wife Kalina and my sister Carla and with 1000 dollars I went overseas.

I worked in both a coffee shop and a liquor and cigarette store for the first few years. Of course, you have to work until you can at least start going to castings more regularly,” recalls Bashar, who has been lucky since birth.

He comes into the world at the end of the sixth month, with a wrapped umbilical cord, with a zero negative group. “It was super scary. I only have a 5 percent chance of living. And no one had zero negative to infuse me with. I’ve also had jaundice, pneumonia – it’s a miracle I’m alive. An Indian woman who worked for us happened to have the same blood type and she gave me some of hers. I should have been called Emin. However, she gave the idea to be Bashar – “the good news of the birth of Christ”. She said: “That’s how he likes it.” So I’m a Evangelist. Because of me, my father observed the fasts for 20 years. In order for me to live, he made a vow that in the summer, when the Virgin fasts are, he would observe the canons. Even on my 20th anniversary, he came, patted me on the head and said, “My vow is over,” shared Bashar, whose relatives are Orthodox Christians. The actor himself is also very religious and reads the Bible regularly .believes that

God protects him and helps him in difficult times.

After the separation with his wife Kalina, with whom they have two grown-up daughters India and Chloe, and with his long-time girlfriend – the model Raina Karayaneva, he is now happy with the actress Lyubomira Basheva, who is twice his age. They play together in the production “Close up”. He admits to friends that he is finally happy and Lyuba gives him everything he needs.

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