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Sensas: The Leading Groundbait Brand for Fishing in Eure-et-Loir

Seventy kilometers of first category banks, two hundred and thirty kilometers in second category, four and a half kilometers in “no-kill”, Eure-et-Loir is a territory of fishermen. Fourteen thousand people devote themselves to this passion every year. Practitioners who often use Sensas bait, like Patrice, a fisherman for fifty years in Châteaudun (Eure-et-Loir).

“It’s more effective, it’s really a good groundbait, ten times better than other brands,” assures the young grandfather. “I use it because with it I have more bites but I add my jumbles, my bloodworms, or maggots to their bait to make it even more efficient. Even my rods are all Sensas! says this enthusiast, who uses an average of five kilograms of groundbait per day of fishing.

What fishermen don’t always know is that Sensas has been thriving here for sixty years, on the banks of the Eure at four sites in Fontenay-sur-Eure (Eure-et-Loir) and Saint-Georges-sur-Eure (Eure-et-Loir). In this atypical society, the air smells of groundbait, and even the carp seem to appreciate the company’s presence. At the foot of the historic mill, in the Eure, six fish swim peacefully in the shelter of a weeping ground. “It was here that in 1959 my father, Jacques Bonnet exploited cereal oil but had difficulty finding an outlet for the residues. He had the idea of ​​adding value to his cakes by making groundbait for fishing. says Frédéric Bonnet, the commercial director.

Sensas groundbait is produced in Fontenay-sur-Eure (Eure-et-Loir) with cereals but also food scraps such as ice cream wafers or small biscuits. LP/ Christophe Blondel

In half a century, the company has built an empire. European leader with 50% of the market, the bait specialist has a turnover of twenty-nine million euros. One hundred and thirty people work there, including eighty near Chartres. “We are present in twenty European countries, we go from Brest to Saint Petersburg,” explains the son of the brand’s founder. The secret at Sensas is the experience of champions. More than a thousand anglers and a hundred and fifty teams are sponsored throughout Europe, enabling Sensas to promote the brand and imagine groundbait recipes such as the very famous “3000”. It’s like in Formula 1, you’re strong when you’re good at your sport (…) We’ve been world champions fifty times! enumerates the director.

Sensas groundbait is produced with cereals but also food waste such as ice cream wafers or small biscuits. “We are the scrap dealers of the food industry” sums up Frédéric Bonnet. From champion to Sunday fisherman, the company surfs on new trends like the “float tube”, a small boat that allows amateurs to leave the shore. It also multiplies identities to better resonate with specialists with the Sensas brands for coarse fishing, Starbaits for carp, Pezon & Michel, for fly and trout fishing, Illex for lures and Gunki for young people sensitive to the predatory world and street fishing. The company has 800 points of sale in France and an additional 1,500 in Europe. The only shadow on the fishing board, due to the transport crisis and rising energy costs, Sensas is also impacted by inflation. In 2023, the price of products for amateurs will therefore be 5 to 15% more expensive.

To improve its visibility on the Internet, Sensas is recruiting a cameraman-editor from September 2023 to produce in-house tutorials and reports broadcast on Youtube. www.sensas.com

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