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Seniors, health and solidarity – Municipality of Camboulazet

Allô ça roulle en Ségala is the solidarity transport activity offered by Secours Catholique de Baraqueville.

Since April 2019, Allô ça roule drivers have been on the roads every Tuesday and Thursday. To use the service, you must make a request to the hotline at 06 07 81 09 41, ideally at least 7 days before the trip. A solidarity contribution is requested for each trip. The service is aimed primarily at people in financially fragile situations. In addition, people with reduced mobility must be accompanied.

Everyone, whatever their age, can benefit from the Allô ça roule solidarity transport service. For now, the service is only intended for residents of the municipalities of Baraqueville, Boussac, Camboulazet, Colombiès, Gramond, Manhac or Moyrazès.

Beyond the service provided by the volunteer drivers who will help out people by transporting them occasionally, Allô ça roulle en Ségala also fulfills the objective of recreating social ties and breaking the isolation of people because a route is conducive to trades.

So don’t hesitate to join the Allo ça roulle team! The kilometers are compensated and you will benefit from insurance through the association. The engagement is on average of two half-days per month only.

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