Home » Business » SENEGAL-EDUCATION-DIPLOMACY / Touba: three diplomats visit the center of Cheikh Ahmadou Khadim – Senegalese press agency – APS

SENEGAL-EDUCATION-DIPLOMACY / Touba: three diplomats visit the center of Cheikh Ahmadou Khadim – Senegalese press agency – APS

Touba, August 5 (APS) – The ambassadors of Austria, Finland and Canada visited Senegal to the center of Cheikh Ahmadoul Khadim in Touba (center) on Monday, APS noted.

The President of CCAK, Serigne Ahmadou Badawi Mbacké welcomed Anu Saxen, Ursula Faringer and Marie Geneviève Mounier.

“This trip allowed the president of the Center and his colleagues to demonstrate the level of training, as well as the various teaching orders of the CCAK, including the +Majalis+ planned for children, including the Koran Institute”, said the secretary general of the group. CCAK, Pape Makhtar Ndiaye.

He noted the plans for partnership with universities in these different countries.

The three diplomats expressed their appreciation for the achievements and initiatives of CCAK, welcoming the efforts of its president, Serigne Ahmadou Badawi Mbacké, to promote education, training, health and social well-being.

They deserved a presentation of the building’s goals and projects before visiting the various facilities.

The Cheikh Ahmadoul Khadim Education and Training Center (CCAK-EF) was born from a vision founded by Mouridism that was realized by the current Caliph Serigne Mountakha Mbacké.

The cost of the project is estimated at 37 billion CFA francs. It was funded by donations from the Mouride community and goodwill.


2024-08-05 19:19:48
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