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Send Your Name to the Moon with NASA’s VIPER Mission: Get Your Boarding Pass Now!

PADEK.JAWAPOS.COM-NASA is offering people the opportunity to take their name flying to the moon as part of its next mission to the moon. The name will be VIPER, NASA’s first lunar exploration robot. VIPER will land on an unexplored part of the moon’s south pole in late 2024.

VIPER is an abbreviation for Volatiles Investigating Polar Exploration Rover. Along with a series of scientific instruments, the rover will carry the names of millions of people. Everyone whose name is listed will receive a souvenir boarding pass for “being part of that risky journey.”

“With VIPER, we will study and explore parts of the lunar surface that no one has visited before,” said Nicola Fox, Associate Administrator of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate, at NASA Washington headquarters, as reported by Sky News.

“Just imagine: our names will be on board as VIPER navigates the rugged terrain of the moon’s south pole and collects valuable data that will help us better understand the moon’s history,” he added.

To be on the list, names must be received by March 15, 2024. However, it is unclear how the names will be attached to this rover, but a similar mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa will feature names stenciled with an electron beam onto in a silicon chip roughly the size of a 5p coin -with each line of text just 1/1000th the width of a human hair.

Daniel Andrews, VIPER project manager, praised the rover. “This is the first mission to expand our understanding of where lunar resources can be harvested to support a long-term human presence on the moon,” he said.

Once VIPER lands on the moon, it will rely on its solar panels and batteries for a mission of about 100 days. The planet must be able to survive extreme temperatures and challenging lighting conditions, while running a suite of instruments to collect data on lunar ice and other resources.

NASA allows people to submit their names by getting a VIPER mission “boarding pass” on its official website HERE. Fall have tried entering a name into the website and getting a boarding pass.

After that a message appeared, “Thank you for registering to fly your name on VIPER. Right click on the image below to download your boarding pass. To reset your boarding pass and register again.”

Engraving a name on the moon is a unique opportunity to be part of the history of space exploration. It’s also a way to show your support for NASA and its mission to explore the moon and other planets.

Your name will remain on the moon for millions of years, even after you die. This is a great way to leave a legacy that will last for centuries.

Viper for a Future on the Moon

Quoted from the page Science NASA, explained that in 2009, NASA confirmed the existence of subsurface ice at the moon’s South Pole. This finding is an important milestone in lunar exploration, as ice could be an important resource for human missions to the moon.

VIPER, NASA’s first lunar rover robot, will continue this journey. The mission will directly analyze lunar surface and subsurface ice at various depths and temperature conditions in four major land environments.

The data that VIPER sends back to Earth will be used to create resource maps, helping scientists determine the location and concentration of ice on the Moon and its shape. This information will be invaluable for planning future human missions to the moon.

VIPER’s findings could also have broader implications for space exploration. Bringing everything we need from Earth for long-term space exploration would be very expensive, so using resources found on the Moon, such as water, could be a breakthrough.(skn/esg)

2024-01-06 10:39:30
#NASA #Offers #Chance #Fly #Moon

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