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– Send me a message instead – VG

RESPONDS: Kristoffer Velde did not like that Alexander Søderlund criticized Velde in a podcast last week. Photo: Jan Kåre Ness / NTB

HAUGESUND (VG) Former Haugesund striker Alexander Søderlund believes Kristoffer Velde (21) often falls too easily. Now Velde responds to the criticism.


– It does not hurt from Søderlund. I see it too. I think it’s good he gives notice, but if he has such strong opinions he can send me a message on what I can get better at and not take it to the whole of Haugalandet, Velde says to VG after Sunday’s 3-0 victory against Kristiansund.

The FKH edge then refers to the statements from the former FKH striker Alexander Søderlund in the podcast «Saved» from Haugesunds Avis.

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There, the panel talks about FKH’s performance after the away loss against Lillestrøm where Aljoner “Badou” Ndour received a red card after a heated situation. The occasion then was Velde who went to the ground after a push from Lillestrøm’s Espen Garnås.

– I had been cursed at “Badou”, but I had been cursed at Velde as well. He creates such situations quite often. He does not have to do that, does he? It is so unnecessary, says Søderlund.

He also said that Velde has the skills needed to get to bigger leagues, but that “those things” can help to destroy just that.

– If he thinks that clubs do not see that he is doing those things there, then he is very wrong. They’re looking at this here. He has to put down his throwing stuff. He does not need it, and it is not cool either, says Søderlund who later points out that Velde has to deal with it himself.

Velde points out that he tolerates the criticism from Søderlund.

– But the way it is done I think is stupid. I get a text message saying what he says, and then I have not heard the episode myself. Maybe it should have been done differently.


FKH PROFILE: Alexander Søderlund delivered the goods when he played for FK Haugesund. Here from when he scored three against Start in 2011. Photo: Petter Emil Wikøren / VG

This is not the first time the edge has reacted to statements this year. Velde hushed against the press tribune after scoring two goals in Haugesund’s 4-2 victory against Viking earlier this season. Even then, there was a sting against the podcast from the local newspaper.

– Is it the case that you light up to be able to get more out on the field?

– I think it’s about a balance. I probably play best when I’m a little in the gray zone. People get to think what they want. I bark and people bark at me. I have to put up with it. Today I answer at least with two goal scorers, so maybe they shut up now.

The 21-year-old was also frustrated after two goal-scoring assists in the 3-0 victory against Kristiansund. After the match, he was held back by FKH coach Jostein Grindhaug, where you could clearly see frustration in Velde’s entire body language.

– I’m a little frustrated today. I get dissatisfied when I leave the field without scoring. When I do not do it, I get a little cursed, says Velde who says that he tried to steal the penalty to Niklas Sandberg on secured the last goal against KBK.


FRUSTRATED: Kristoffer Velde admits that he was frustrated despite two goal-scoring passes and a 3-0 victory against Kristiansund. Photo: Jan Kåre Ness / NTB

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