Alfredo Bravo.
Photos: Marco Lara
The National Training and Employment Service (SENCE) launched the 2024 Solidarity Unemployment Fund Scholarship Program in the O’Higgins region, with the aim of improving the skills of active beneficiaries and enabling their access to quality dependent or independent work.
On this occasion, two courses for Class A2 Professional Driving Licenses were opened, which are taught to users of the Solidarity Unemployment Fund (FCS). Acting Director of SENCE in the O’Higgins region, Marcela Contreras Torres, highlighted that these are two courses with 25 places each for type A2 licenses, for people over 20 years of age, with Class B driver’s licenses.
Contreras added that those interested can apply from different municipalities in the region, since they will also have a transportation subsidy for each day assisted and for those women and men with children under 5 years of age in their care and people with severe dependency, there is also a care subsidy.
“It is an open call to those who want to apply, to be users of the Solidarity Severance Fund, with 150 hours, which also includes obtaining the Professional License A2 and meeting the suitability requirements demanded by the Ministry of Transport,” said the representative of SENCE.
Gaete clarified that there are two forms of financing, one through an individual account, where the person can withdraw everything he has worked for throughout his life, and the second, through the Solidarity Fund, which is his funds, plus a contribution made by the State, and that is focused on SENCE programs.
“To access the Solidarity Fund, 10 contributions are required to be credited to the account, and the last three with the same employer, on a continuous basis,” explained the head of AFC in Rancagua.
Rounding off the information, Katy Zamorano, in charge of the Becas del Fondo de Cesantía Solidario Program, reminded FCS users that they can access the page to choose the course of their interest and apply with their Unique Key, as well as follow the information and calls for applications on Sence O’Higgins’ social networks on Facebook and Instagram and in person at the offices located at Campos 241, 6th floor, in the commune of Rancagua.
To conclude the launch milestone, the regional authority of Sence also mentioned that those who are not using Unemployment Insurance also have other courses on the website, such as Forklift Assistants (Rancagua), Manicure, Pedicure and Massage (Mostazal), Beauty Service (San Fernando), Entrepreneurship Management (Malloa, Rengo, Peralillo and Marchigüe), for people with disabilities (Pichilemu), Basic Pastry Operations and Telephone Customer Service.

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