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Sence Launches Free Online Program ‘Graduate’ to Complete Secondary Education and Improve Employability

 The initiative is aimed at people over 18 years of age who have not completed secondary education, for work purposes and continuity of studies. Applications at www.sence.cl with unlimited places.

Coyhaique.- With the purpose of improving the employability of workers, the National Training and Employment Service, Sence, launched a new program called “Graduate. It is a free, online platform that provides the necessary tools and content to prepare workers and adults to take free exams before the Ministry of Education and, in this way, complete secondary education.

The presentation of the new program was held at a meeting with the participation of the Labor and Social Welfare Seremis, Rodrigo Díaz, and Education, Isabel Garrido; Claudio Rivera, director of the Unitary Central of Workers, CUT; Pedro Sanhueza, Regional Director(s) of the Labor Directorate, interested users, Municipal Office of Labor Intermediation (OMIL) Coyhaique; René Ordoñez, regional adult education coordinator, among other entities.

During the event, the Seremi de Trabajo y Previsión Social, Rodrigo Díaz, highlighted the importance of adult education to improve employability, “(we are) Launching the Graduate Program where we are accompanied by the Seremi de Educación, the Director of Sence, the CUT , because this is a program that is fundamental for our Aysén Region today, where it allows people, virtually through the internet, to finish their 4th. Labor environment or its 4th scientific-humanist medium and obtain the 4th medium license. With this, for example, the people of the coast can have their skipper’s license and driver’s licenses, it allows us to improve and as our President Gabriel Boric says, our Government, to have a decent job for a good life and that people can have a better performance in your life, men and women of our region of Aysén”.

Along these same lines, the Seremi de Educación, Isabel Garrido, referred to the educational reactivation and the effects of the pandemic, “This initiative of the ministry led by Minister Jara and Minister Ávila of Education is tremendously valuable because it decisively contributes to many of the goals that we have set for ourselves as a Government, first of all the educational reactivation, much has been said regarding how two years of pandemic expelled many students, young people and adults to whom this program is directed have a concrete opportunity to be able to become accompany and pass the exams and have their 4th. Medium, so we are very happy for what this objective that President Boric has defined, which is social justice, is contributing, is equity”.

Adding the education authority on the specific opportunity that Sence’s Graduate program provides given the high dropout rate, “Because in the first place, the people who withdraw from educational establishments tend to be mostly women who have to care for other people, women who They get pregnant, for example, at adolescent age and do not continue their studies, also because it is the most vulnerable and vulnerable population, those who did not finish their studies, who did not have opportunities and this gives them an opportunity, I insist, concrete, since Pass rates for these exams are usually low, as there is no follow-up. This joint work comes to solve this problem, to solve it, therefore we invite you to enter the platform, to continue and finish your studies and acquire new opportunities. Our region together with the region of Los Ríos, Los Lagos and Magallanes are the regions with the largest number of people who have withdrawn from the system”, affirmed Seremi Garrido.

The “Graduate” platform is free. With the purpose of allowing the preparation of free exams for people over 18 years of age who have not completed secondary education, the content has the following learning sectors: Natural Sciences, Social Studies, Spanish Language and Communication, Mathematics Education and English Foreign Language.

“One of the measures so that people can generate or can find a new job is their 4th. Medium, that’s why as Sence, we are working together with the Seremi de Educación and the Seremi del Trabajo so that people can register. It is completely free, there are unlimited seats, all the people who are interested can be part of this. From the month of July to August the platform will be open so that in October, people can take these free exams, here the important thing is to generate tools, generate specific job skills, “said the regional director(s). de Sence, Mauricio Toro.

For his part, the director of the CUT, Claudio Rivera, made a call to take advantage of this opportunity, “I would like to invite the compañeros and compañeras of the CUT to approach the OMIL, we are also going to be a strategic partner, we are going to lower the information to the unions so that they can get closer, they can register, they can regularize their studies, thinking that completing their educational trajectory will allow them to access better working conditions in any case”.

Registration at www.sence.cl
The requirements to enroll in the “Gradúate” platform are to be 18 years of age or older, have a valid Chilean RUN and have a Unique Key. The preparation to take the exams, considering a daily hour of study on the platform, will take approximately 6 weeks in the case of work purposes, and between 10 to 12 weeks in the case of continuity of studies. Access is asynchronous, that is, when people can connect.

To access “Gradúate”, people must enter www.sence.cl, and select the modality in which they wish to prepare on our page, and then register with their RUN and ClaveÚnica and be automatically redirected to the study plan they chose. You have to place the Aysén Region on the website.

In the case of the Continuity of Studies modality, the final registration period is August 17, 2023 and in the case of work purposes it is September 1, 2023. Those who have questions can visit the Sence offices in Coyhaique and Puerto Aysén , the OMIL offices of the municipalities and you can also review it in the direct link

It is important to indicate that regardless of the registration on the Gradúate platform, people must register with Mineduc to be enabled to take exams. Registration in any of its modalities is done online through the website of the Ministry of Education. The free exams are rendered in October of this year.

2023-07-29 19:51:20
#Sence #launches #free #platform #Gradúate #finish #high #school #Radio #Las #Nieves

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