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Senators approved donating the salary increase

Said Decree 6/21, which was voted unanimously and without debate, establishes in Article 1: “The proposal made by the aforementioned Parliamentary Blocks should be introduced, so that all Senators and all Senators, as well as the Authorities of the H. Senate of the Nation, do not receive the increases in their monthly remuneration that originate as a result of Joint Resolutions RC-0015/2020 and RC01 / 2021”.

In that resolution, Article 2 provides that “appropriately, the sums that arise from the increases that the Senators and Senators do not perceive, as well as the Authorities of the Senate of the Nation, to Public Health Institutions, in order to alleviate the current Sanitary situation of our country”.

It should be noted that at the beginning of the pandemic last year, the national senators decided to suspend for 180 days the increases of any kind on the monthly remuneration of the senators and higher authorities of the Chamber.

The rejection of the “Judicialization of politics

The ruling party in the upper house also approved a draft resolution that emphatically rejects a court ruling that led to a collective habeas corpus against DNU 235/21 and 241/21 – also ratified in this session – on health measures due to the pandemic.

The resolution signed on April 30 by the judges Ignacio Rodríguez Varela, Julio Lucini and Magdalena Laiño, of Chamber VI of the National Chamber of Criminal and Correctional Appeals, had been criticized on Twitter by the vice president Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

In addition, in their ruling, the magistrates ordered Congress to enact a specific law setting health parameters to apply care measures in the framework of the pandemic. What will be debated next week at the venue.

The vote resulted in 39 positive votes, two negative –from the Catamarca Oscar Castillo and the Salta Juan Carlos Romero-, and 24 abstentions, from Together for Change and the Federal Parliamentary interblock. Meanwhile, the rionegrino Alberto Weretilneck and the missionary Magdalena Solari Quintana they voted in favor.

The author of the project, the official Maria de los Angeles Sacnun, held that the resolution is “a flagrant attempt to violate constitutional powers”Of the Congress. “Our republican system of government refers to three branches of the State“, He highlighted and exclaimed:”In no way can we tolerate, support, that three judges of the Judicial Power try to order us and even impose a period of 15 days for the sanction of a norm”.

In addition, he questioned whether it is in the framework of a habeas corpus presentation, “with what historically means for Argentina the situation that those who have been deprived of their liberty have gone through, due to their forced disappearance”.

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