Home » today » World » Senator Tommy Tuberville Blocks Senate Approval of 260 Military Nominations Over Army’s Abortion Funding

Senator Tommy Tuberville Blocks Senate Approval of 260 Military Nominations Over Army’s Abortion Funding

A single senator from Alabama is blocking the Senate’s approval of 260 military nominations in protest of the Army paying for soldiers’ abortion trips.

Senator Tommy Tuberville is determined to hold out the nomination of Pentagon chiefs until the Army Health Service stops paying for leave and travels for women who need abortions to states where it is allowed.

Among those affected by the conservative Republican’s solo action that has been going on since March is the general nominated to be the new commander in chief, Randy George. It also means that from Monday the marines will be without a commander-in-chief when the current one resigns.

President Joe Biden said Thursday that he expects Senate Republicans to stand up to what he called Tuberville’s ridiculous and bizarre mix of social issues with foreign policy.

– He endangers US national security with what he does. It is completely irresponsible. I expect the Republican Party to take a stand and do something about it, Biden said.

Defense Minister Lloyd Austin also spoke to Tuberville on Thursday to try to persuade him to drop his action.

Important military appointments must be approved by the Senate Defense Committee and the Senate in plenary session. Although this is normally a formality that occurs by acclamation, a single senator can halt the entire process and force the Senate to approve them one by one, taking several days for each.

Senator Jack Reed has calculated that it would take 27 days if the Senate worked 24 hours a day with approvals, and 84 days if they kept to normal working hours of eight hours a day.

– It is impossible to achieve, he said and added that it would prevent the Senate from working on all other more important matters such as the national budget.


2023-07-13 21:59:26
#senator #blocks #approval #military #commanders

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