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Senator Andrea Chávez is right – El Financiero

Senator Andrea Chávez yesterday denounced a misogynistic campaign by collaborators of El Financiero, especially a cartoonist who collaborates in this medium. Although the dissemination of a doctored photograph to which the senator alludes was disseminated only on the cartoonist’s social networks, this medium condemns the use of this type of images on any platform, even a social network. Senator Chávez must be certain that in El Financiero she will find a space in which she will receive dignified and impartial treatment, regardless of differences in political ideas.

Olga is left wanting again

Retired Minister Olga Sánchez Cordero does not bring them with her in the new legislature of the Chamber of Deputies. On two occasions she signed up to be president of the Board of Directors and they beat her. At the beginning of the work he expressed his desire, but said that he respected Ifigenia Martínez’s aspirations to preside over the chamber and give the presidential sash to Sheinbaum. After Ifigenia died, the former Secretary of the Interior enlisted again, arguing that her replacement should be a woman, but the majority of Morena prevailed, blocked her and voted in favor of deputy Sergio Gutiérrez Luna, to go from vice president to president , who yesterday formally took office before the plenary session with 420 votes.

In Court, more fuel to the fire

Minister Juan Luis González Alcántara gave entry to the constitutional controversy presented by the government of Guanajuato against the judicial reform. With this, the judge admitted the responsibility of analyzing and presenting a project to his colleagues so that they could decide if the functions of the state government were affected by these changes. As if the criticism that the Court received for admitting the judges’ complaint were not enough, and that there was even talk of “coups d’état”, this appeal is added. Let the criticism continue to rain.

Procedural blunders

“What good is the majority if they do not have the technical capacity or the necessary criteria to write coherent laws?” questioned constitutional law expert Francisco Burgoa, in response to Ricardo Monreal’s confession that new changes to the law must be presented to establish the election of the presidency of the SCJN. After all, the approved reform of the Judiciary contradicts the Constitution itself, since it is proposed that the presidency of the Court will be occupied by the candidate who obtains the most votes. However, the Magna Carta also establishes that this will be renewed with the election of the members of the high court themselves. That happens when you legislate at speed.

Sylvana leaves, “for consistency”

The new PRI federal deputy Sylvana Beltrones Sánchez, in congruence with what was done by her father, Manlio Fabio Beltrones Rivera, left her newly inaugurated seat in San Lázaro and also temporarily retired from PRI work. “With the processes related to the leadership of my political institute that generate differences of opinion resolved, and certain that we must prioritize the important national debate, I consider that, in these times of definitions, it is essential to act with consistency,” she explained in a letter, when requesting leave yesterday to better dedicate himself – he indicated – to directing the Beatriz Beltrones Foundation, dedicated for 19 years to the timely detection of cervical and breast cancer in women.

Charged with real estate cartel, free with precautionary measures

After multiple postponements, the hearing was finally held in which the capital’s Prosecutor’s Office charged businessmen and former officials of Benito Juárez for the real estate corruption case. Ten accused businessmen requested the duplicity of the term to define their legal situation; Meanwhile, the CDMX judge released them with precautionary measures. An official, although he was linked to the process, will be under house arrest. Although for the capital’s Prosecutor’s Office it has been an emblematic case against corruption, no complaints were heard against the judge because the defendants will be free. Will they blame federal judges? Or will they only want former PAN mayors behind bars?

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