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Senate endorses creating National Identification Center

The Senate waived all the paperwork according to the minute sent by the deputies at the last minute and endorsed the reform that creates the National Center for Human Identification, a unit that will be in charge of recognizing the bodies of the victims of violence and supporting the work that the services forensics of all entities.

In the last session and without changes to the minutes endorsed in San Lázaro, the reform that seeks to deal with the crisis of missing persons, clandestine graves, femicides and violence, which so far reports almost 100 thousand disappeared, was approved with 117 votes in favor. and 52,000 unidentified bodies throughout the country.

The reform to the General Law on the Matter of Forced Disappearance of Persons, Disappearance Committed by Private Parties and the National Search System for Persons was turned over to the Federal Executive for its publication.

The reform states that the center will not meet the responsibilities and legal obligations of the forensic services of the local prosecutors and courts. However, opposition senators criticized that the obligation of the federal Executive to provide the necessary resources is not included.

The president of the Human Rights Commission, Kenia López Rabadán, assured that this opinion is an advance in the struggle of the victims to find their loved ones, relatives who with their hands and means search throughout the territory every day for their missing.

He recalled that, from 2018 to date, there are 30,000 missing persons of whom nothing is known and whose families search for them every day without finding them.

According to government data, he said, in the country’s forensic institutes and morgues there are 52,000 unidentified bodies, therefore, “this lacerating reality must be addressed by the Legislative Branch.”

For the president of the Commission for Legislative Studies, Second, Ana Lilia Rivera, the project is founded on the recognition of the rights of every person to be searched and to human identification, established in the Approved Protocol for the Search for Disappeared and Non-Disappeared Persons. Localized, governing instrument of the policy on the matter whose compliance is mandatory for the entire federal public administration.

He commented that according to the National Registry of Missing and Non-Located Persons of the Ministry of the Interior (Segob), from 1964 to 2022 there is a total official registry of 243 thousand 240 disappeared persons, of which, 99 thousand 80 people have not been located.

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