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Senate Discussions on Justice for Veterans and Expanded Criminal Code: Russian Law Amendments Proposed

On November 12, the Senate discussed the possibility of bringing to justice officials who do not help veterans of the Northern Military District well and quickly enough. They also discussed how to expand the Criminal Code on articles related to mobilization.

A number of amendments to Russian laws were proposed by participants in the round table “On the need to criminalize acts directed against the mobilization and enforcement of martial law or wartime regime.” The meeting was chaired by Senator Olga Kovitidi. She recalled the amendments to the Criminal Code already adopted since the beginning of mobilization, which relate to articles on war crimes.

“This is especially relevant in connection with the increasing destructive activities of foreign intelligence services, which are increasingly using propaganda, agitation and intelligence apparatus, trying to destabilize the situation within the country,” – quotes Kovitidi press service of the Federation Council.

The senator added that a law is currently being discussed under which officials will be punished for delays in payments and other social guarantees for veterans and disabled combatants.

“Kommersant” adds that in the open part of the discussion, questions were discussed about extending the article on evasion of service to those transferred to the reserve. This was proposed by Igor Butrim, a member of the academic council of the Institute of State and Law. It was from him that the proposal came to introduce articles for incitement to evasion and its organization.

Senator from the Zaporozhye region Dmitry Vorona spoke about the need to attract volunteers for desertion and failure to comply with orders, especially since in terms of payments and benefits they are subject to the same conditions as military personnel. State Duma deputy Yuri Shvytkin reminded him that such a bill had already been signed; it was submitted to the State Duma two days ago.

#Federation #Council #proposed #punish #volunteers #military #district #officials #transferred #reserve
2023-11-12 20:50:07

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