Semper Paratus Acquisition stock has been subjected to in-depth technical analysis to determine the current trend of the security. The moving average closing price of the stock over the last 200 trading days is currently $10.5. In comparison, the last close is $4.51, a difference of -57.05 percent. Based on this analysis, the stock is rated “Poor”. The moving average of the last 50 trading days ($9.56) also shows a difference from the last closing price (-52.82 percent), which also results in a “Poor” rating. Overall, the Semper Paratus Acquisition share receives a “poor” rating based on simple chart technology.
The mood in social networks has been predominantly positive in the past few days, as the mood barometer shows. On 11 days the mood was green, while negative discussions were not recorded. Overall, investors were mostly neutral for three days. In the last one or two days, there have been increasing discussions about positive topics regarding the company Semper Paratus Acquisition, which leads to a rating of the stock as “Good”. In summary, investor sentiment is rated as “good”.
The last 7-day Relative Strength Index (RSI) for Semper Paratus Acquisition stock has a value of 44, resulting in a “Neutral” rating. In comparison, the 25-day RSI (79.8) shows the stock is overbought, resulting in a “Poor” rating. Overall, the RSI rating gives Semper Paratus Acquisition a “poor” rating.
In terms of online sentiment and buzz, below-average activity was measured in terms of discussion and little change in sentiment, resulting in an overall rating of “Poor”.
Buy, hold or sell – your Semper Paratus Acquisition analysis from February 14th. provides the answer:
How will Semper Paratus Acquisition develop now? Is it worth getting started or should investors sell? You can find out the answers to these questions and why you need to act now in the current Semper Paratus Acquisition analysis.
Semper Paratus Acquisition: Buy or sell? Read more here…
2024-02-14 14:23:03
#Semper #Paratus #Acquisition #share #tight