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Seminar organized by the Financial Supervisory Service aimed at improving comprehension of virtual assets

The Financial Supervisory Service announced on the 27th that it will hold its own seminar for effective supervision after the legislation of virtual assets.

It is explained that the seminar, which will be held in a total of 12 rounds in the first half of this year, was held because the financial authorities needed to have a sufficient understanding of the overall virtual assets.

In particular, it is judged that it is good for general supervisors and inspectors other than those in charge of virtual assets to preemptively understand the concept of Web 3.0, prospects for the future ecosystem, and methodology for monitoring the virtual asset market using on-chain data, and to grasp the progress of global regulatory systems in major countries. am.

For this seminar, the Financial Supervisory Service plans to conduct a seminar focusing on basic theories related to virtual assets, current market issues, and supervisory issues by inviting academics and industry experts.

In particular, it is explained that executives and employees who are interested in virtual assets, including Lee Bok-hyun, the head of the Financial Supervisory Service, can actively participate.

The Financial Supervisory Service announced that it plans to continue holding seminars to expand supervisory capabilities until official regulations are introduced in earnest, promote the invitation of overseas supervisory authorities, and develop advanced courses by reflecting various feedback from participants.

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