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Sell ​​Hard! Today’s SUN Auction Request Reaches Rp 70 T

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – The government through the Directorate General of Financing and Risk Management (DJPPR) of the Ministry of Finance again held an auction of Government Securities (SUN) on Tuesday (8/6/2021) today with a won value of Rp. 30 trillion.

The securities being auctioned this time include the SPN03210922 series (new issuance(SPN12220527)reopening), FR0086 (reopening), FR0087 (reopening), FR0088 (reopening), FR0083 (reopening), and FR0089 (reopening) through the auction system of Bank Indonesia.

Photo: DJPPR Ministry of Finance RI
SUN Auction June 22, 2021-

Of the amount won by the government, today’s auction is right with the indicative target specified, namely Rp. 30 trillion. The value won in the previous SUN auction was Rp 34 trillion.

While incoming bid today’s auction again rose to Rp 69.95 trillion, down from the previous SUN auction which was held on June 8, which amounted to Rp 78.5 trillion.

SUN tenor 5 and 10 years is still the biggest series incoming bidcompared to other series, with a proportion of about 74% of the total incoming bids at auction today.

The fall incoming bids Investors occurred because some investors began to look at risky assets such as stocks, marked by the start of the domestic stock market booming today.

In addition, the economic recovery of the United States (US), plus indications of the attitude of the US central bank which has begun to hawkish also reduced investor appetite in the Indonesian government bond market.

Despite the decline, investor interest is still quite high, as indicated by the large number of bidders targeting 5 and 10-year SUN and the amount won by the government is still in line with the indicative target set.

Moreover, investors’ risk appetite tends to be temporary, in line with the increase in cases of the corona virus (Covid-19) in Indonesia, which made the stock market weaken severely in the last two days.

Therefore, on the basis that there is still a lot of interest from investors and the amount won by the government is still sufficient, the government has decided to continue to accept the results of today’s SUN auction.

The results of today’s SUN auction are as follows.

SUN Auction June 22, 2021Photo: DJPPR Ministry of Finance RI
SUN Auction June 22, 2021-


[Gambas:Video CNBC]

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