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Self-examination, check-ups and early diagnosis, the keys to breast cancer prevention

Breast self-examination and annual check-ups are crucial preventive practices against breast cancer (Illustrative image Infobae)

Breast cancer is the most prevalent tumor worldwide. According to the World Health OrganizationIn 2022, 2.3 million cases of breast cancer in women will be diagnosed worldwide, and 670,000 deaths from this disease will be recorded.

In ArgentinaAccording to figures from the Argentine Society of Mastology, every year there are 22 thousand new cases of breast cancer and almost 6 thousand deaths for this reason. However, in the In 95% of cases, early diagnosis allows access to treatments with a high chance of cure These types of tumors, which affect women the most.

That is why specialists propose taking action with two tools that are as simple as they are effective: respect routine checkups and make a quick consultation in case an anomaly is detected. The three keys to the fight against tumor are: controlling, detecting early and addressing it quickly.

How to prevent breast cancer Cemedyt

The doctor Angela Fastucamastologist, specialist in Gynecology and Obstetrics, Regenerative and Functional Gynecology, explained to Infobae: “This is Breast Cancer Month, the most common cancer: 1 in 8 women in the world present it. Although you should have a mammogram starting at age 40, we are detecting cases earlier.”

“Therefore, it is very important to breast self-examination and annual periodic control from 40 years old. Before that age, an ultrasound can be done. 95 percent of patients in early stages of breast cancer who have an early diagnosis are cured,” said the doctor.

Among the resources mentioned, routine check-ups include a visit to the doctor, and annual mammography and ultrasound. For early detection, breast self-examination is essential. However, the doctor Flavia Goluzaa diagnostic imaging specialist at Cemedyt (MN 105763), explained to Infobae what Breast self-examination once a month does not replace mammography and ultrasound studies.

Early diagnosis and early action increase the chances of a cure (Illustrative Image Infobae)

For her part, the doctor Patricia S. Gonzálezclinical oncologist (MN 114097 / MP 231173), told Infobae that the most beneficial thing is to have a mammogram and ultrasound to achieve a early detection.

“The two studies are the ones that provide the greatest chance of finding an injury. They are studies complementary. On self-examination, the lesions that are palpated are greater than 3 cm. When the examination is done by the professional, they detect 1.5 to 3 cm. With each mammogram and ultrasound, the findings are usually less than 1 cm, which allows for early diagnosis and a longer life expectancy,” said the doctor.

Dr. Goluza added, meanwhile, that It is not the same to detect something 3 mm as 3 cm. The sooner it is detected, the better. Therefore, there is nothing to prevent, but it must be diagnosed early. He also clarified, in relation to a very popular belief, that “radiation from mammography is not significant in new equipment, therefore, it does not present risks.”

In that sense, Dr. Fastuca pointed out that the most important thing, in short, is to detect non-palpable lesions: “When they are palpable we can find positive lymph nodes, which leads to a chronic disease with a lower life expectancy.”

The annual medical check-up is complemented by regular breast self-examination – (Illustrative Image Infobae)

That is why Dr. Goluza added that Studies are not completed at a certain age: because the older you are, the more likely you are to suffer from breast cancer. Studies must be done throughout life.

Breast self-examination is a practice of self inspection that women can do, anywhere, to know the status of their breasts. It should be done every month, seven to ten days after menstruation. And in the case of women who no longer menstruate, specialists recommend choosing a fixed day of the month to incorporate it into the routine.

Dr. Goluza He expressed that the woman who palpates herself every month already knows her breasts. “If you find something, consult the doctor without fear. In that case, mammography and ultrasound will be indicated. An MRI and biopsy may be requested to study. The biopsy is not traumatic. Then, there are many treatments, but the earlier it is detected, the better. In breast cancer There is no vaccine, but early diagnosis”.

In turn, Dr. González highlighted another essential aspect of this pathology, since doing Exercise and a healthy diet predispose to a better quality of life, which reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Experts place self-examination among important detection methods (Illustrative Image Infobae)

  • Sit or stand without clothes or bra in front of a mirror, with your arms at your sides.
  • Look straight ahead and observe the presence of wrinkles, dimples or alterations in the size, shape or symmetry of the breasts.
  • Check if the nipples are sunken (inverted).
  • Put pressure on the waist with your hands and observe if there are retractions. Also check that the breasts do not have changes in the skin or the nipple.
  • Inspect the breasts with the arms raised above the head and the palms of the hands pressing against each other.
  • Lift the breasts to see if the folds at the base are symmetrical. After this first stage of visual examination, the woman must use her hands to examine her breasts.

Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women worldwide (Illustrative Image Infobae)

Common ways to do the manual portion of the breast exam include the following:

  • lying down. Choose a bed or other flat surface to lie on your back. By doing so, the breast tissue spreads and becomes thinner and easier to feel.
  • In the shower. Lather your fingers and breasts so that your fingers glide more smoothly over the skin.
  • Examine them in a circular manner from the armpit to the nipple, without lifting your fingers. Palpate the breast, armpit and nipple, with circular movements, looking for masses that are not normal.
  • Compress the nipple with your index fingers and thumb to confirm that there is no discharge.

Signs such as lumps or retractions are important indicators in self-examination (Illustrative image Infobae)

The warning signs The most common forms of breast cancer are usually related to a new lump in the breast or armpit (under the arm), increased thickness or swelling of the breast, irritation, retraction or sinking in the skin of the breast, redness or peeling in the nipple area and any type of pain in the breast area. Specialists recommend scheduling a medical consultation if the self-examination shows the following:

  • A hard lump or nodule near the armpit
  • Changes in the way the breasts look or feel, including a noticeable thickening or heaviness, different from the surrounding tissue
  • Dimples, wrinkles, bumps, or ridges on the skin of the breast
  • A recent change in the nipple: it retracts (inverts) instead of protruding

Hereditary history is one of the risk factors (Illustrative Image Infobae)

  • Redness, warmth, swelling, or pain
  • Itching, scales, sores, or rashes
  • Bloody discharge from the nipple

Finally, Dr. Fastuca stressed that it is important to take into account breast cancer risk factors: “Age, hereditary history, smoking, alcoholism, obesity and low quality of proteins. Also states of anguish or depression can predispose and, finally, although it may sound ugly, chance.”

While Dr. González stressed that we must Be aware of making an early diagnosis of breast cancer: “The earlier the diagnosis is made, the life expectancy will be greater and there will be a high percentage of healing”.

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