Home » today » Entertainment » Selena Gomez outperforms Kylie Jenner on Instagram and marks the victory by donning a bridal attire

Selena Gomez outperforms Kylie Jenner on Instagram and marks the victory by donning a bridal attire

Life gives you surprises. Selena Gomez announced years ago with hype and cymbal that her mental health forced her to stay away from social networks. The singer has been one of the first to make her problems public, openly acknowledging that she suffers from bipolar disorder and that she frequently has to deal with the anxiety, depression and low self-esteem that this entails. A situation that she has even made her think of suicide on more than one occasion, as she herself has explained in the documentary ‘My mind and I’, where she also recognized the sadness that her difficulty in being a mother causes her.

Psychiatric admissions and different treatments have managed to provide her with the necessary tools to overcome this disorder and feel better, and these always happened, as she herself assured, by moving away from social networks, something that she says has completely changed her life. “I understand how powerful the Internet is, and in many ways it has done the best things for the world. But I get the news that is really important to me through the people in my life. I am happier, I am more present, I connect more with people,” he said then.

The most followed woman on Instagram

At the time of making those decisions, Selena Gomez had 300 million followers on Instagram. In addition, in 2017 her account was hacked and since then she says she does not actively participate in it; although she is still active, she does not manage it personally. And she affirms that she feels much happier this way: “Before, I used to notice a lot of negative comments and I didn’t feel well,” she says. Today, she seems to feel divine. And it is the living example of ‘yes, but no’. Because although she says to avoid the networks, the truth is that she has never been too far.

Selena was one of the most followed women on Instagram until 2019. Later, Ariana Grande and Kylie Jenner ousted her and took her place as queens of this social network, a throne that she has just recovered: the former Disney girl has exceeded the number of 400 followers becoming the first woman to achieve it. And in the third in the world ranking of those who drag masses, only surpassed by two footballers: Cristiano Ronaldo, the first on the list with 562 million followers, and Leo Messi, with 442 million.

In any case, it was she herself who wanted to thank her followers for this number and the support and affection she receives: “I wish I could hug you all 400 million,” she wrote in one of her last posts. “Selena is someone who does not have to pretend to be liked by everyone. Her authenticity makes her more attractive and likeable,” her fans responded.

Selena Gomez, bride for the wedding in her new series

In addition to this post, Selena has also excited her followers by publishing her images dressed as a bride. It has been on the set of the series in which she stars, ‘Only assassins in the building’, where she appeared with a romantic lace design with a veil, while she ran out of the Arconia building and got into a taxi along with her co-stars. , Steve Martin and Martin Short. “I have no captions,” she wrote on her Instagram post. “It’s just a normal day at work.”

The reactions were not long in coming either: “The person who marries Selena Gomez will be the luckiest human being alive!” their fans wrote.

Source: El World

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