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Selected creators of the Song Festival Wind Orchestra Concert The news

The creators of the Song Festival Wind Orchestra Concert have been selected

Riga, July 11, LETA. In the concert of the XXVII General Latvian Song and XVII Dance Festival wind orchestras in 2023, the concept “We play and celebrate over time in Latvia” created by artistic director Jānis Retenas and director Elīna Apsīte will be implemented, Linda Ertmane, a representative of the Latvian National Cultural Center (LNKC), informed LETA.

The creative team intends to create the concert as a way from the beginning of the tradition to a modern sound, showing how versatile, different and gorgeous the performance of wind orchestras is.

The concert is planned to highlight the repertoire of popular wind orchestras played during 150 years and withstood the test of time.

Conductors of Latvian wind orchestras will be introduced to the artistic concept and repertoire at a seminar organized by LNKC in the autumn.

A competition to select the artistic concept and creative team for the Song Festival Wind Orchestra Concert was announced in January. Four applications for artistic concepts were received.

The competition took place in two rounds: the first panel reviewed and evaluated the concepts submitted, maintaining the anonymity of the participants, while the second round was a negotiated procedure during which the artistic teams presented their creative plans and repertoire content.

Summarizing the assessment obtained in both rounds, on July 1, the commission recognized the concept created by Retena and Apsīte as the best.

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