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Sekkaki escaped after 9 months in Limburg

Oualid Sekkaki, who escaped from Turnhout prison on December 19, was arrested in Limburg on Thursday evening. The road police stopped him in Lummen. He has been transferred to prison.

That is reported by the police. The Antwerp public prosecutor’s office and the FAST team of the federal police allegedly followed him closely for several days, and got hold of him around 7 pm on Thursday. He will now be locked up in Hasselt prison.

Oualid Sekkaki is the brother of Ashraf Sekkaki, who as a teenager escaped several times from an institution in Mol, and as an adult he also walked out of a prison several times. This gave him the nickname ‘the escape king.

In December last year, Oualid Sekkaki, along with four other inmates, was able to escape from Turnhout prison, where he was serving a prison sentence. Together with some fellow prisoners he scrambled over a wall. He cut some 10,000 volt cables and lowered himself down with ropes.

The four others were quickly recaptured, but Sekkaki remained on the run. In January, the police received another ticket from Thailand, sent with his greetings. From the outset, however, there were doubts as to whether he had actually fled abroad.

Criminal record

Oualid Sekkaki came into contact with the court as an adult when he wanted to raid the house singer / presenter Walter Grootaers in Lier with some companions. In 2015, police drove him into a trap after he was reported to have been shot in Hoboken. In his car, the agents found 25,000 ecstasy pills, with a street value of at least 125,000 euros. For those facts he was locked up in the prison of Turnhout, where he could escape in December.

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