Personnel from the Illicit Firearms and Explosives Investigations Division and the Judicial Investigation Corps (CIJ) of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the City began actions because a man had been reported for threats and it was proven through his own investigative tasks that he He possessed several firearms of different calibers and was disqualified from ANMaC as a Legitimate User of Weapons and the place of storage of said weapons.
Consequently, the Court of First Instance for Criminal, Contravention and Misdemeanors Number 12, at the request of the Criminal, Contravention and Misdemeanor Prosecutor’s Office 14, delivered the search warrant for the defendant’s property. Upon entering the apartment, the officers found: a .22LR caliber pistol, brand Bersa, a silencer placed on the aforementioned weapon, a .45 caliber pistol, brand SigSauer, a .38SP caliber revolver, five-chamber drum, brand Ruger SP101, a pistol .40 caliber Bersa brand Thunder model, a .20 caliber Pietro Beretts shotgun, a .22LR caliber pistol brand Ballester Molina, a shotgun with cal inscription. 16, a .38 SP caliber revolver, a 22 LR caliber carbine with telescopic sight, a bolt-action carbine, a Marlin Winchester-type 44.40 caliber rifle, a .44 caliber Black Powder Onli revolver, 200 7.65 caliber bullet cartridges, 53 12 gauge shotgun ammunition, 7 16 gauge shotgun cartridges, 1,050 .22LR caliber ammunition, 11 .357 SP caliber cartridges, 24 .38 SP caliber cartridges, 27 9mm cartridges, 23 40mm S&W caliber ammunition, 20 .308 caliber cartridges, 8 credentials for possession of handguns, a Legitimate User credential in the name of the accused that expired in 1996, a reloading machine without possession, gunpowder, cases, pellets and other elements for reloading cartridges. The magistrate in charge of the case ordered the seizure of the weapons and notified the accused for “Illegal Possession of War Weapons and Prohibited Materials.”
2023-11-15 16:34:51
#Puerto #Madero #reported #threats #arsenal #war #weapons