Home » today » News » Seine-Saint-Denis. The “night” police demonstrated with a noise in front of the Prefecture for a minute

Seine-Saint-Denis. The “night” police demonstrated with a noise in front of the Prefecture for a minute

On the night of Tuesday 17 to Wednesday 18 December, the police officers of Seine-Saint-Denis demonstrated in front of the Prefecture of Bobigny. To make themselves heard, they put on the gyros.

The “night” police officers of Seine-Saint-Denis continue to mobilize. They made a noise for a minute in front of the Prefecture. (© SGP Police Unit 93)

The union SGP Police FO Unit invited all night police, the “night people” to an action in front of the prefectures and sub-prefectures, at midnight this Wednesday, December 18. Police officers of Seine-Saint-Denis joined the movement and gathered in front of the Prefecture of Bobigny.

The blue gyros of police cars were heard for a minute.

A lack of recognition

“Inadequate hourly cycles, late payments, insufficient staff, contempt, night workers should no longer be despised in terms of compensation as material endowment. Nightlife should not be subdued, against their will, to the binary cycle. Now that’s enough ! », Declared a few days ago the union SGP police unit to explain the reasons for the anger.

Read also: Strike of December 5: a union calls on the night police to go out only for urgent calls

Many night police denounce the lack of recognition of their work as well as late payment of their increased hours.

After a strike of zeal which consisted of no longer patrolling at night but only going out following an urgent call to 17, the police took several actions. Each staff of Seine-Saint-Denis posed in front of his back station.

The police therefore made themselves heard one last time before the meeting to be held this Wednesday, December 18, 2019 in Matignon between the government and the unions.

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