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Seine-Saint-Denis: communities put to the test of the health pass

Communities have been preparing for its deployment for several weeks now. From this Monday, August 30 and until November 15, some of the territorial agents will now have to present a health pass to their employers. The measure, detailed in a note from the General Directorate of Local Authorities, concerns people “working in establishments and services subject to the obligation to present a health pass, when their activity takes place in the spaces and at the times where they are accessible to the public”, except for people carrying out “emergency interventions”.

Thus, an agent officiating in a media library or a swimming pool during visitor reception hours must have a valid pass to work. If he has not received two doses of vaccine against Covid-19, he must present a negative test dating back less than 72 hours.

“Of our 3,500 agents, in addition to those subject to the vaccination obligation, between 200 and 250 people will now have to present a health pass”, details Katy Bontinck, deputy mayor (Generation.s) for health, in Saint-Denis. This is not nothing in terms of volume. About 120 of them work in sports equipment. »

The entry into force of the measure raises some concerns in the municipality. “Some people spontaneously presented a vaccination certificate to human resources. But for those who are not vaccinated, it will be complicated to check their pass every three days. We will therefore continue to do education to encourage them to be vaccinated, ”underlines the elected official.

Pedagogy and reserved vaccination slots

The municipality has reserved specific slots at the Stade de France for the vaccination of its agents, who were able to go there during their working time. “We want to do everything to avoid contract suspensions, but we will not be lax for all that, warns Katy Bontinck. We will therefore offer agents who do not have a pass to take a few days off. »

If the employee does not have the opportunity to take vacation, the General Directorate of Local Authorities reminds that he must be suspended “the same day”, which then leads to the cessation of payment of his remuneration. After three days, he must be summoned by his employer, who may possibly examine with him the “possibilities” of assigning him “to another job falling within his rank, and not subject to the obligation of a health pass, with regard to service needs” or “consider, if necessary, the use of teleworking if the missions allow it. »

“We have offered our few agents who are not vaccinated to position themselves in positions where they are not in contact with the public”, details for his part Jean-Michel Genestier, the mayor (SE) of Raincy, who only has 170 employees. “I did not feel any particular tension around the pass, rather understanding”, estimates the city councilor, whose deputy director general has sent three letters to all employees, since June, to encourage them to get vaccinated.

Notice of strike in Drancy

“We have been teaching agents about vaccination for several months. I am therefore rather confident about the implementation of the device”, also estimates Stéphane Troussel, the president (PS) of the departmental council of Seine-Saint-Denis, for whom compulsory vaccination – which he renames “vaccination for all” – could have avoided this kind of situation.

“We have done everything to ensure that the measure is accepted in the best possible way, but what is happening is still unprecedented, so we will see more clearly during the week”, describes Samia Sehouane, vice- president in charge of human resources for the Est Ensemble territory, which covers nine municipalities in the department and has 1,300 employees. The community met with the unions to discuss the subject with them, also alerted its agents by mail and reserved vaccination slots for them during their working time.

In Drancy, the CGT union for its part filed a strike notice from the end of July until September 30 to denounce the establishment of this health pass, considering that it did not respect labor law. “For the moment, there has not yet been a walkout, but we know that it will block some employees, because we are starting to be contacted by people who are not vaccinated”, relates Henri Tamar, federal secretary. of the CGT union at the town hall of Drancy. Contacted this Sunday, the mayor of the town did not respond to our requests.

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