Is the lack of charging stations in Seine-Maritime holding back businesses from switching to electric vehicles? The Rouen Métropole CCI is convinced of this. (©Pixabay)
The ” smart mobility for all », Embodied by the release electric and hybrid vehicles, is one of the challenges of ecological transition. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) Rouen Metropolis has set itself the task of stepping up the pace with businesses, by thoroughly assessing the needs for charging stations in the Rouen-Dieppe-Elbeuf region. “The lack of terminals is a real obstacle to the equipment of companies. The change must be accompanied by the installation of terminals, ”notes Nicolas Maillet-Avenel, president of the French Federation of Electrical Integrators (FFIE).
It is thus carrying, with the CCI Rouen Métropole, and the French Building Federation (FFB), the “Smart mobility” experiment.
Evaluate the need for terminals
Concretely, this is, first of all, a study of the needs for charging stations in the territory covered by the CCI, ie 80% of Seine-Maritime. To “bring the trend”, the responses of some 800 companies were listed. It emerges that 201 companies have expressed a serious interest in switching to electric, and 75% would need one to five stations for their vehicle fleet (we consider that a charging station is needed for 13 vehicles, approximately ). And that’s not all: “They not only need the terminals, but also the installers”, continues Nicolas Maillet-Avenel.
This is the goal of the partnership work between the CCI, the FFIE and the FFB over the coming months: to put in contact the suppliers of these terminals – a proportion of which is Norman -, the installers and the customers. Companies interested in initiating a real transformation will then receive a “guide to technical and financial solutions, a list of service providers” and information on government aid. While this boost from the state does exist, it is less year after year. The standard aid, for a medium-sized fleet, is 960 euros. The cost of installing a terminal is 1,000 to 1,500 euros for an individual, but it can reach “20 to 30,000 euros” for a charging point similar to a “super-terminal”. It is this more powerful model that businesses need more.
“Disrupt” the way of working
“We will have to change our way of working,” explains Arnaud Sansaas, vice-president of the FFB Rouen metropolis and territories. This involves educating employees and training salespeople to learn how to use an electric vehicle ”.
The highlight of this close collaboration will be the “Smart mobility event” meeting at the end of September in Barentin. A detailed assessment of the responses collected by the 800 companies will be made there, as will the presentation to companies of the offer of local subcontractors who can ensure the installation of charging points. Finally, the respective offers of the “golden triangle” – Renault, Peugeot, Citroën – in terms of electric vehicles will be exposed.
“The CCI, concludes its president Vincent Laudat, wishes to support SMEs, SMIs [petites et moyennes entreprises à vocation industrielle, NDLR], traders in this mandatory transformation. It is about making it accessible. “